

php Programming Glossary: sourcecode

Experience with protecting PHP code


able to duplicate your efforts regardless of having your sourcecode. It's a false sense of security IMHO share improve this answer..

A tool to add and complete PHP source code documentation


Load the content of my source file with missing docblocks sourcecode file_get_contents 'MyClass.php' oToken new PHP_Beautifier The.. of having the code in a variable oToken setInputString sourcecode oToken process And here we get the result all clean echo oToken..

Music Recognition and Signal Processing


tools in the project to play with as well as viewing the sourcecode for the core library itself http marsyas.sness.net share improve..

Can I use Facebook's hiphop with frameworks like Zend Framework, cakephp, symfony


cakephp symfony Yesterday Facebook launched HipHop a sourcecode converter from php to c . The set of php functions and constructions..

How can I use a JavaScript variable as a PHP variable?


is send back to your browser it's gone. Have a look at the sourcecode when the page is rendered in your browser. You will see that..

What is the best way to format messages for queueing?


you don't have to roll your own and you can look at their sourcecode to learn about their implementation. For general integration..

Testing for a PHP Closure without referring to the Closure internal class


assumptions about the implementation details into your sourcecode. Passing a functor will return FALSE because it wont have the..

Advice for implementing simple regex (for bbcode/geshi parsing)


it requires the most simple code like this geshi new GeSHi sourcecode language geshi parse_code Now this is the easy part but what..

How to determine that a PHP script is in termination phase?


this question After reading a larger part of the PHP sourcecode I came to the conclusion that even if such state s exist on..

Save image from url with curl PHP


1 result curl_exec ch curl_close ch return result sourcecode GetImageFromUrl iticon savefile fopen ' img uploads ' . iconfilename.. fopen ' img uploads ' . iconfilename 'w' fwrite savefile sourcecode fclose savefile php image curl grab share improve this question..

Can Ruby, PHP, or Perl create a pre-compiled file for the code like Python?


is obsolete . XRuby is a pure compiler it compiles Ruby sourcecode straight to JVM bytecode .class files . You can deploy these.. compiler and an AOT compiler jrubyc that can compile Ruby sourcecode to JVM bytecode .class files . Also work is underway to create.. barriers. Ruby.NET is a pure compiler that compiles Ruby sourcecode to CIL bytecode PE .dll or .exe files . You can deploy these..