php Programming Glossary: spatial
php mysql compare long and lat, return ones under 10 miles code you can probably do this all in the DB. if you use a spatial index . MySQL docuemtnation for spatial index EDIT to reflect.. DB. if you use a spatial index . MySQL docuemtnation for spatial index EDIT to reflect your edit I think you want something like..
Google Maps Save Polygon and points in MySQL using PHP MySQL but I'm unsure of best practices. Should I enable spatial extensions and save the geometry Should I save each vertical.. of I'm wondering what the best practices are. Using MySQL spatial extensions seem daunting. It returns things in WKT and then.. within this space . You may want to look at using the spatial extensions. However if most of the time you're simply drawing..
Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance) and is being updated regularly. MySQL seems to have a spatial extension but that one doesn't provide a distance function...
MySQL - selecting near a spatial point selecting near a spatial point I've based my query below to select points near a spatial.. point I've based my query below to select points near a spatial point called point on the other SO solution but I've not been.. lastcrawl has a simple schema id primary int autoinc point spatial POINT Added the spatial key via ALTER TABLE lastcrawl ADD SPATIAL..