

php Programming Glossary: specifics

language translation in php


Output to screen. I need someone to help me out with the specifics in PHP. Are there any standard implementations that I am unaware..

How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval?


that makes any difference in the way I should handle the specifics. Additional Information for Bounty I want to clarify that I..

Accessing the DI container


to get the most important concepts across without language specifics. Dependency Injection is based on two parts of code Construction..

Character Sets explained for Dummies! [closed]


PHP 5.4 - 'closure $this support'


JsonSerialiable array dereferencing or i looked up the specifics traits I am not sure what 'closure this support' is. I have..

Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays


cartesian product algorithms but I'm getting stuck on the specifics of how to preserve the associative keys. The current algorithm..

What is the php_binary serialization handler?


PHP curl post to login to Wordpress


done this several times in the past just can't recall the specifics. So for instance your login script would not only set your login..

DOMDocument for parsing HTML (instead of regex)


due to limited information almost no examples and most specifics were based on parsing XML. php dom new DOMDocument libxml_use_internal_errors..

Zend Framework Automatic Logout after inactivity


having to destroy the entire session. I don't know the specifics of your application but you could use the plugin to check and..