php Programming Glossary: rtf
Free (preferably) PHP RTF to HTML converter? [closed] preferably PHP RTF to HTML converter closed I am writing a converter for an old.. old db app which contains a large amount of user entered RTF text. Ideally the RAW RTF should be converted to HTML for display.. a large amount of user entered RTF text. Ideally the RAW RTF should be converted to HTML for display in a browser. I have..
How to convert html to doc in php formatted Word documents your best bet is to create an RTF document. Everything that Word can do can be expressed in RTF.. document. Everything that Word can do can be expressed in RTF but it ™s a text format not binary so you can change things in.. ™s a text format not binary so you can change things in the RTF document and it ™ll still work. You can create a nicely formatted..
HTML+CSS to RTF (in PHP)? CSS to RTF in PHP I am desperately seeking a solution to converting HTML.. seeking a solution to converting HTML CSS 2.1 to RTF in PHP. While I have found a superb solution for HTML to PDF.. XML I've yet to find anything that can convert HTML to RTF or DOC runs on a Linux server is callable from PHP handles paged..
PHP translation frontend similar to Rosetta? with translators. When we did we wrote an export to RTF and import from RTF that in itself is mind boggling so the translators.. When we did we wrote an export to RTF and import from RTF that in itself is mind boggling so the translators could function..
rtf format to pdf format to pdf Is there any way to convert rtf format to pdf.. format to pdf Is there any way to convert rtf format to pdf using PHP Thanks php pdf pdf generation rtf .. rtf format to pdf using PHP Thanks php pdf pdf generation rtf share improve this question If you want to stick with pure..
Convert HTML to RTF (HTML2RTF converter) [closed] the language preferred would be PHP. php html linux rtf share improve this question Easiest way would be to use..
Free (preferably) PHP RTF to HTML converter? [closed] converted to HTML for display in a browser. I have tried rtfparseclass from PHP Classes which works ok but seems to be thrown.. that it may just be out of date. Other than updating rtfparseclass to ignore the fonts does anyone know of a PHP library.. know of a PHP library to convert RTF to HTML php html rtf converter share improve this question Have a look here http..
HTML+CSS to RTF (in PHP)? handles tables. Is there anything out there php html css rtf share improve this question For all your document conversion..
PHP translation frontend similar to Rosetta? send back to you to import. The files formats can be csv rtf tmx xliff gettext and if you read the Symfony framework docs..
Is it possible to display an RTF file inside a web page using PHP? msword header Content Disposition inline filename mark.rtf header Content length . strlen output echo output php document.. Content length . strlen output echo output php document rtf share improve this question Most browsers won't reliably.. is_uploaded_file _FILES 'userfile' 'tmp_name' shell_exec 'rtf2html ' . escapeshellarg _FILES 'userfile' 'tmp_name' . . html_output_path..
Resume/CV Parsing in PHP [closed] Plus resume CV can be in various formats like doc html rtf txt etc. Anyone know abt the PHP script where we can grab the..
Getting PHP to read .doc files on Linux files Failing that is it possible to convert .doc files to rtf pdf or some other 'open' format that is easy to read Note I..