php Programming Glossary: rounds
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords a more legacy implementation. I recommend a minimum of 12 rounds of bcrypt if not 15 to 18. I changed my mind about using bcrypt.. Try an implementation of PDKBF2 with the maximum number of rounds that your environment application user perception can tolerate... can tolerate. The lowest number I'd recommend is 2500 rounds. Also make sure to use hash_hmac if it is available to make..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? is scalable with hardware via a configurable number of rounds . Its slowness and multiple rounds ensures that an attacker.. configurable number of rounds . Its slowness and multiple rounds ensures that an attacker must deploy massive funds and hardware.. the plain text password without already knowing the salt rounds and key password . Source Using PHP 5.5 DEV Password hashing..
PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved The mcrypt cipher mode to use protected mode '' @var int rounds The number of rounds to feed into PBKDF2 for key generation.. to use protected mode '' @var int rounds The number of rounds to feed into PBKDF2 for key generation protected rounds 100.. of rounds to feed into PBKDF2 for key generation protected rounds 100 Constructor @param string cipher The MCRYPT_ cypher to..