php Programming Glossary: runtimeexception
PHP file cannot enter some part of code code example MySql Exception class MySqlException extends RuntimeException MySql Database Class class MySql private server private name..
Validation in Zend Framework 2 with Doctrine 2 Validator ValidatorInterface isValid @throws Exception RuntimeException in case EntityManager or query is missing public function isValid.. em this getEntityManager if null em throw new Exception RuntimeException __METHOD__ . ' There is no entityManager set.' Fetch query query.. query this getQuery if null query throw new Exception RuntimeException __METHOD__ . ' There is no query set.' Ignore empty values if..
How to make a calculator in PHP? while op operators pop if op isParenthesis throw new RuntimeException 'Mismatched Parenthesis' output push op return output public.. output . el render if output return output throw new RuntimeException 'Could not render output' protected function parseParenthesis.. true break else output push end if clean throw new RuntimeException 'Mismatched Parenthesis' protected function parseOperator..
how to use ajax in zend framework 2 or the AjaxContext? error Fatal error Uncaught exception 'Zend View Exception RuntimeException' with message 'Zend View Renderer PhpRenderer render Unable.. Renderer PhpRenderer.php on line 454 Zend View Exception RuntimeException Zend View Renderer PhpRenderer render Unable to render template..
Can't update/install using composer behind a corporate firewall Checking out 11f8499d0027468705fca72ab67acfbf8ee2e6be RuntimeException Failed to clone https crazycodr data transform.git..
How can arguments to variadic functions be passed by reference in PHP? rather than returning FALSE . class DBException extends RuntimeException ... class MySQLi_throwing extends mysqli ... function prepare..
Why can't you call abstract functions from abstract classes in PHP? class AbstractFoo public static function foo throw new RuntimeException Unimplemented public static function getFoo return static foo..
Purpose of PHP constructors str public function getLength if this str null throw new RuntimeException Invalid state. return strlen this str In order to be in a valid..
Anyone know of a good PHP ORM that DOES NOT use PDO? ... class PDOStatement ... class PDOException extends RuntimeException ... You'll have to implement whole PDO API but at least it will..
What will be the Android/Java equivalent of MD5 function in PHP? UTF 8 catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new RuntimeException Huh MD5 should be supported e catch UnsupportedEncodingException.. supported e catch UnsupportedEncodingException e throw new RuntimeException Huh UTF 8 should be supported e StringBuilder hex new StringBuilder..
Convert time to seconds d 2 #' hour parse Throw error exception etc throw new RuntimeException Hour Format not valid return int parse 'hours' 3600 int parse..
Custom Exception Messages: Best practices lot of people people doing their exceptions like throw new RuntimeException 'MyObject is not an array' or extending the default exceptions.. message. @author secoif class MyWrongTypeException extends RuntimeException public function __construct objectName object expected message..