php Programming Glossary: rowdata
Turn database result into array into subsets according to the hierarchy pseudocode while rowData fetch row new RowObject rowData nodes row tsn row if array_key_exists.. hierarchy pseudocode while rowData fetch row new RowObject rowData nodes row tsn row if array_key_exists row _parent nodes nodes..
how to print cells of a table with simple html dom row initialize array to store the cell data from each row rowData array foreach row find 'td.text' as cell push the cell's text.. find 'td.text' as cell push the cell's text to the array rowData cell innertext push the row's data array to the 'big' array..
How to parse this table and extract data from it? tbody @id index srednjiKursLista tbody_element tr' as node rowData array foreach xpath query 'td' node as cell rowData cell nodeValue.. node rowData array foreach xpath query 'td' node as cell rowData cell nodeValue data array_combine headerNames rowData print_r.. cell rowData cell nodeValue data array_combine headerNames rowData print_r data Output Array 0 Array IFRA VALUTE 978 NAZIV ZEMLJE..
how to use phpexcel to read data and insert into database? row 1 row highestRow row Read a row of data into an array rowData sheet rangeToArray 'A' . row . ' ' . highestColumn . row NULL..