php Programming Glossary: rowset
TableGateway with multiple FROM tables this tableGateway tableGateway public function get id rowset this tableGateway select function Select select select from..
Retrieving Multiple Result sets with stored procedure in php/mysqli on MySQL pdo_mysql stored procedure call returning single rowset blocks future queries Can't use stored procedures from PDO on..
Turn database result into array classes that extend the Zend Framework DB table row and rowset classes. I've been developing this anyway because I'm speaking..
Zend PHP framework call to database through a Zend_Db_Table adapter returns a rowset object instead of a basic array. The rowset provides its own.. returns a rowset object instead of a basic array. The rowset provides its own useful methods but also implements both SeekableIterator.. SeekableIterator and Countable. This allows you use the rowset object directly in common PHP functions like count Countable..
How do I add more than one row with Zend_Db? to the set. So you should be able to do this creates a rowset collection with zero rows rowset table createRowset creates.. able to do this creates a rowset collection with zero rows rowset table createRowset creates one row with unset values row table.. with unset values row table createRow adds one row to the rowset rowset addRow row iterates over the set of rows calling save..
Turn database result into array else top row return top I also define classes for Rows and Rowsets. A Rowset is basically an array of rows. A Row contains an.. return top I also define classes for Rows and Rowsets. A Rowset is basically an array of rows. A Row contains an associative.. an associative array of row data and also contains a Rowset for its children. The children Rowset for a leaf node is empty...
Zend PHP framework your to extend their basic class like the Zend Db Table Rowset. With this you can add functionality to the rowset and get Zend..
How do I add more than one row with Zend_Db? Framework developer wrote this on Nabble some time ago Rowsets are basically a collection object so I would add methods to.. a rowset collection with zero rows rowset table createRowset creates one row with unset values row table createRow adds one.. rowset save It makes no sense to pass an integer to createRowset to create N empty rows. You would just have to iterate through..