php Programming Glossary: routed
CodeIgniter Routing http localhost index.php search 1234 4321 It would be routed to main search and I can then use this uri segment 2 to retrieve..
Get parent directory of running script is my dispatcher boostrap file that all requests are routed to define ROOT_PATH dirname __FILE__ var www library.php is..
Folder structure of a PHP MVC framework… am I doing this right? Details index.php is the main file where every request is routed to with .htaccess . private can't be accessed publicly obviously...
Is this a reasonable way to handle getters/setters in a PHP class? come through __call that start with get or set are then routed to functions that set or retrieve values into an associative..
Live redirect based on periodic server calls with JSON or AJAX json On the server side you can do if student is to be routed check from the database data 'route' true data 'location' 'location'..
Creating email address via PHP or any other script own script make sure all the valid addresses were getting routed correctly then set the default recipient for the domain since..
How can I automatically create an email address for my website members? of bouncing emails which were sent to a wrong email addy i routed them to a PHP script. 2 The script parsed the username part..
Is this a good way to match URI to class/method in PHP for MVC consider it on a high traffic site 3 Since everything is routed through the index.php file with this how would I go about handling..
How to POST backbone model data to DB through Slim php and Paris POST data since it's new. It sends it to donut which is routed but the question I have is WHAT does it send And in what format..
How do you convert an old OOP PHP project into the Yii Framework? out really well. I just had a bootstrap script which routed requests based on ported_routes . When it comes to reusing classes..