php Programming Glossary: runkit
Redefine Class Methods or Class support for it. Though as others have also pointed out the runkit library is available for adding support to the language and.. to be potentially hazardous and difficult to debug. Still runkit_method_redefine appears to be what you're looking for and an.. for and an example of its use can be found in tests runkit_method_redefine.phpt in the repository runkit_method_redefine..
PHP runtime class modification opening and closing brackets and send it to eval. Using runkit is out of question as it is outdated and I'd rather not force.. share improve this question RunKit extension can do it runkit_method_add etc. However it's an experimental extension and you're..
Removing a function at runtime in PHP function to be callled outside this block. I found out runkit_function_remove but runkit isn't enabled on my Web host. Is.. outside this block. I found out runkit_function_remove but runkit isn't enabled on my Web host. Is there another way to do that.. _COOKIE _REQUEST array_map 'stripslashes_deep' _REQUEST runkit_function_remove 'stripslashes_deep' Since stripslashes_deep..
Redefining PHP function? that throws an error Fatal error Cannot redeclare foo The runkit provides options including runkit_function_rename and runkit_function_redefine.. Cannot redeclare foo The runkit provides options including runkit_function_rename and runkit_function_redefine . share improve..
Is there a way to execute php code in a sandbox from within php module sandbox share improve this question There is runkit but you may find it simpler to just call the script over the..
Is it possible to replace (monkeypatch) PHP functions? previously declared functions. HOWEVER You can use runkit_function_redefine and its cousins but it is definitely not very.. ' a b' 'return a b ' echo func 3 5 15 As with runkit it is not very elegant but it gives the behavior you are looking..