php Programming Glossary: publish
How can I use PHP to dynamically publish an ical file to be read by Google Calendar? can I use PHP to dynamically publish an ical file to be read by Google Calendar Any Google search.. etc. If I build this file using a .php extension how do I publish it as ical Do I have to write to a new .ics file Or will Google..
Adding unobtrusive progress bar to old-school file uploads form element with debug mode and array of data fields to publish to readout jQuery '#upload_form' .uploadProgress progressURL..
Performance-oriented way to protect files on PHP level? 1 page e.g. myproject assets page19283 The user can un publish hide pages in the CMS. When a page is hidden and somebody tries.. I want to protect those as well so that when the user un publishes a page they can trust it is completely gone. Very important.. page's asset directory to a secure location when it is un published and move it back when it's published. However the admin user..
Authorizing a Facebook Fan Page for Status Updates authorize.php api_key MYAPPAPIKEY v 1.0 ext_perm publish_stream This code however does not work to update the status.. true session_key_only true req_perms read_stream publish_stream offline_access Then I needed to grant 'publish_stream'.. publish_stream offline_access Then I needed to grant 'publish_stream' permissions to the PAGE with this url replacing 'MYAPIKEY'..
Live Video Streaming with PHP will need some sort of way to record the streams and re publish them so others see other people from the chat etc.. I'm also..
Why do I need to use a popular framework? and how clear each piece is to understand. Once you publish your framework your success will be strongly dependent on how..
Deploy a project using Git push go about accomplishing this php git deployment webserver publish share improve this question I found this script on this..
How to add a php page to Wordpress widget to the right. Select your new template and publish the page. Your new page will use the php code defined in templatename.php..
How to issue HTTP POST request? arjun feed The documentation says I need to issue one to publish to the wall. php curl share improve this question In php..
export to epub format in php I have a book stored in a mysql database and I wish to publish it as an ePub format book It's a very basic book simple text.. readers. It can set the ebook details like the author publisher comments etc. as well the ebook chapter data. The class builds..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation Physical now If you give me any and all corrections I will publish the next version. I am expecting preferences in User . Also..
Facebook API: How to post to own application wall without login you need is an application Access Token and if you want to publish to an user wall without login you also need this user long live.. for that you have to ask for Offline access permission. To publish to your application wall 1 Curl this link to get your application.. ' '. appid.' feed ' 'post' attachment If the post is not published print error details catch FacebookApiException e echo ' pre..
Posting to a Facebook Page as the Page (not a person) ' . page_access_token php if isset _GET 'publish' try publishStream facebook api page_selected feed 'post'.. ' . page_access_token php if isset _GET 'publish' try publishStream facebook api page_selected feed 'post' array 'access_token'.. 'And the exciting description here ' as _GET 'publish' is set so remove it by redirecting user to the base url catch..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions for an MQ event and just hang until someone else will publish a message you subscribed for and MQ will wake you up and send.. uploads a video file the webapp connects to the MQ and publishes a message with a new job. Powerful MQs such as RabbitMQ can.. enters a message into his chat the server side handler publishes a message into the Redis' 'newmessage' topic. Once a message..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game and describe a high level language Actionscript when you publish a Flash game you're publishing your source code whether you.. language Actionscript when you publish a Flash game you're publishing your source code whether you know it or not. Attackers control..
Simple example to post to a Facebook fan page via PHP? when I submit a particular form in my admin area I want to publish to my Facebook fan page There is no RSS available so do you.. click in Extended Permissions and check manage_pages and publish_stream and click in Get Access Token blue button. You may be..
Generating Facebook Open Graph meta tags dynamically hi type bistro Having that accomplished I can now publish actions to the user's stream function postRestaurant FB.api..
Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony2 filter or sass or similar... I did not want my originals published only the compiled one. But there are good news . If you don't.. as the source or could also take assets as a source to publish. That would help when installed with the symlink option when..