php Programming Glossary: publish_stream
Facebook php post to fan page with cronjob? 'scope' 'user_likes publish_actions email offline_access publish_stream manage_pages' facebook new Facebook config user facebook getUser.. . urlencode my_url . state . _SESSION 'state' . scope publish_stream read_friendlists email echo script top.location.href ' . dialog_url.. params array 'scope' 'user_likes publish_actions email publish_stream manage_pages' facebook new Facebook config user facebook getUser..
Facebook API & Ajax POST request else alert obj 'message' scope 'email publish_stream user_birthday' function fb_logout FB.logout function response..
Authorizing a Facebook Fan Page for Status Updates authorize.php api_key MYAPPAPIKEY v 1.0 ext_perm publish_stream This code however does not work to update the status on my Facebook.. true session_key_only true req_perms read_stream publish_stream offline_access Then I needed to grant 'publish_stream' permissions.. publish_stream offline_access Then I needed to grant 'publish_stream' permissions to the PAGE with this url replacing 'MYAPIKEY'..
Howto use FB Graph to post a message on a feed (wall) for your help First My connection url looks like this with publish_stream connectUrl this getUrl 'www' 'login.php' array_merge array 'api_key'.. this getAppId 'cancel_url' this getCurrentUrl 'req_perms' 'publish_stream' 'display' 'page' 'fbconnect' 1 'next' this getCurrentUrl 'return_session'..
Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API being logged in you need the following app access_token publish_stream permission NO NEED for the long lived access token Enables your.. use this permission. Note you do not need to request the publish_stream permission in order to use the Feed Dialog the Requests Dialog.. button data show faces true data width 200 data scope publish_stream data max rows 1 div Server side login Redirect to the OAuth..
need help on posting on user wall . redirect_uri . urlencode canvas_page . scope read_stream publish_stream offline_access signed_request _REQUEST signed_request list encoded_sig.. getSession loginUrl facebook getLoginUrl array req_perms publish_stream me null if session try uid facebook getUser me facebook api..
Post on a Facebook wall as Page, not as user graph api share improve this question You need the publish_stream manage_pages permissions. The code is something like php This.. facebook api me permissions if array_key_exists 'publish_stream' permissions 'data' 0 array_key_exists 'manage_pages' permissions.. header Location . facebook getLoginUrl array scope publish_stream manage_pages catch FacebookApiException e error_log e user..
Simple example to post to a Facebook fan page via PHP? click in Extended Permissions and check manage_pages and publish_stream and click in Get Access Token blue button. You may be asked..
Facebook: post image and description to wall and in page album via php the permissions user_photos manage_pages offline_access publish_stream https dialog oauth client_id application_id.. token scope user_photos manage_pages offline_access publish_stream 3. When you give the application the required permissions you'll..