php Programming Glossary: pub
How do I use Microsoft AD and php single sign on web app? about kebros and apache modules. http pub a onlamp 2003 09 11 kerberos.html page last http
Setting PHP session variables using Flash Actionscript classid clsid blah codebase http pub shockwave cabs flash 9 0 28 0 width 800..
Install php-mcrypt on centos6 repo on centos 5x or 6x wget http pub epel 6 x86_64 epel release 6 8.noarch.rpm wget http
How do I iterate through DOM elements in PHP? trying to do is from an XML like stuff foo bar bar value pub pub foo foo bar bar pub pub foo foo bar bar pub pub foo stuff.. to do is from an XML like stuff foo bar bar value pub pub foo foo bar bar pub pub foo foo bar bar pub pub foo stuff iterate.. XML like stuff foo bar bar value pub pub foo foo bar bar pub pub foo foo bar bar pub pub foo stuff iterate over every foo..
How to create .po files using xgettext on Windows? a multilingual web sites using PHP gettext http pub a php 2002 06 13 php.html I understand the tutorial until this..
Create Google Chrome Crx file with PHP improve this question This ruby code was helpful. Your public key must be in DER format and unfortunately PHP's OpenSSL.. it from my private key at the command line openssl rsa pubout outform DER extension_private_key.pem rsa pubout outform DER extension_private_key.pem UPDATE there is a PHP der2pem function available..
How to implement event listening in PHP pull context getSocket ZMQ SOCKET_PULL pull bind tcp 5555 pub context getSocket ZMQ SOCKET_PUB pub bind tcp 5556 while true.. pull bind tcp 5555 pub context getSocket ZMQ SOCKET_PUB pub bind tcp 5556 while true msg pull recv echo publishing received.. SOCKET_PUB pub bind tcp 5556 while true msg pull recv echo publishing received message msg n pub send msg stream.php Every..