php Programming Glossary: proxies
Detecting whether a user is behind a proxy _SERVER 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP' etc. would detect most proxies but so far I haven't been able to by testing with TOR maybe.. maybe TOR doesn't flag those but I've read that anonymous proxies still show HTTP_X_FORWARDED . I'd like to try doing it with.. list can be found at https . For other proxies you can look at server headers. Possible server headers of interest..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability for MySQL several servers for PHP and several reverse proxies in front of those Of course install memcached daemons on whatever..
Is there any possible way to find the name of the country using IP with scripting language PHP? Edit In regard to one of the users comments about proxies this can be an issue. Some networks such as AOL route all their.. offer a proxy database or flag ranges known to be proxies so that you as the user can choose whether or not to trust it..
What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP? _SERVER 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP' check for IPs passing through proxies if empty _SERVER 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' check if multiple ips.. can be simplified from this check for IPs passing through proxies if empty _SERVER 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' check if multiple ips.. To this check for IPs passing through proxies if empty _SERVER 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' iplist explode ' ' _SERVER..
How to add scraped website data in database? user agent like the GoogleBot does. Don't crawl through proxies or other systems intended to hide your identity crawl in the..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? 14.18.1 If a clockless origin server obeys these rules and proxies and clients add their own Date to any response received without..
determine if user is using proxy this question After searching Google for php detect http proxies I came up with the following http showthread.php.. hits. EDIT AFAIK there is no way to detect HTTP proxies either with absolute certainty or safely Anonymizer services.. Some even require their users to use them. Many HTTP proxies are configured so that they simply forward requests without..
How to use CURL via a proxy? I have added CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD incase any of your proxies require a username and password. I set CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER..
How do I do URL rewriting in php? type and to remember. The page looks like a page to HTTP proxies. Traditionally proxies don't cache pages with parameters as.. The page looks like a page to HTTP proxies. Traditionally proxies don't cache pages with parameters as they don't represent separate..
When inserting an entity with associations, is there a way to just use the FK instead of retrieving the entity? each tag entity first. It does this by using reference proxies generated by EntityManager getReference tag_ids _POST 'tag_id'..
How do I find a user's IP address with PHP? X Forwarded For which may or may not be set by various proxies. The problem is that those are merely HTTP headers which can..