php Programming Glossary: provider
How to properly set up a PDO connection with PDO connection. The use of it would looks like this provider function instance new PDO 'mysql ...... charset utf8' 'username'.. false return instance factory new StructureFactory provider Then in a different file or lower in the same file something.. look something like this class StructureFactory protected provider null protected connection null public function __construct callable..
Example usage of AX in PHP OpenID store Create an authentication request to the OpenID provider auth consumer begin oid_identifier Create attribute request.. request auth addExtension ax Redirect to OpenID provider for authentication url auth redirectURL 'http localhost 4001'.. store Create an authentication request to the OpenID provider auth consumer complete 'http localhost 4001 oid_catch.php' if..
mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in [duplicate] with my query being wrong but it has worked on my hosting provider so that can't be it php mysql facebook boolean share improve..
Authenticating in PHP using LDAP through Active Directory through LDAP with PHP with Active Directory being the provider . Ideally it should be able to run on IIS 7 adLDAP does it on..
Best practice: Import mySQL file in PHP; split queries where I have to update a web site on a shared hosting provider. The site has a CMS. Uploading the CMS's files is pretty straightforward..
Convert .doc to html in php not an option but I have not actually talked to my hosting provider about it. The goal is for a user to be able to upload the file..
What is the difference between the PHP open tags ??lt;?=??and ??lt;?php????lt;??? have short_open_tags enabled. If you or your web hosting provider decides to disable short_open_tags your application probably..
Force SSL/https using .htaccess and mod_rewrite [duplicate] You can also solve this from within PHP in case your provider has disabled .htaccess which is unlikely since you asked for..
If Singletons are bad then why is a Service Container good? a Service Provider as bad as a pure Singleton Service provider hides dependencies too and they just wrap out the creation of.. struggling to understand why we should use a service provider instead of singletons. PS. I know that to not hide dependencies..
cleanup php session files automatically EDIT forgot to mention This site runs at a provider so I don't have access to a command line. I do have ftp access..
How to disable redirection after login_check in Symfony 2 false endif and in security.yml firewalls main form_login provider fos_userbundle failure_path null failure_forward false php..
How do I retrieve the visitor's ISP through PHP? the visitor's ISP through PHP How do I find out the ISP provider of a person viewing a PHP page Is it possible to use PHP to..
PHP and MS Access . ' WebUpdate ' . file_name . '.mdb' cfg_dsn Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source . db_path odbcconnect odbc_connect..
Symfony2 won't load custom authentication provider, loads DaoAuthenticationProvider load custom authentication provider loads DaoAuthenticationProvider This is a continuation of my last question . Hi I'm implementing.. symfony src Symfony Component Security Core Authentication Provider UserAuthenticationProvider.php on line 43 You can see the full.. Security Core Authentication Provider UserAuthenticationProvider.php on line 43 You can see the full stacktrace here . Second..
Getting Started with SAML and PHP your application act as a full fledged SAML 2.0 Service Provider. It's indeed a complete stack but you can narrow down the functionalities..
Accessing the DI container passing the Dependency Injector you would only pass simple Providers a term used by the Java DI framework Guice . These are rather.. you can still fetch newly created objects by using Providers. But don't take it too far Simple objects can still be created.. it too far Simple objects can still be created without a Provider And now all you'll have to do is to translate this stuff into..
Zend Framework Oauth Provider Framework Oauth Provider How can I add a Oauth provider to a web application using Zend..
If Singletons are bad then why is a Service Container good? to Services logger etc . But can why isn't a Service Provider as bad as a pure Singleton Service provider hides dependencies..
Guice like dependency injection frameworks in PHP [duplicate] regardless of visibility requires @Inject annotation Provider injection for fields via @InjectProvider T FooBar for methods.. annotation Provider injection for fields via @InjectProvider T FooBar for methods via @Provider T FooBar param fooBarProvider.. for fields via @InjectProvider T FooBar for methods via @Provider T FooBar param fooBarProvider Scopes possible to implement a..