php Programming Glossary: prototype
Annoying PHP error: “Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in” share improve this question function end has following prototype end array . You can avoid this warning by creating variable..
How to use XMLReader in PHP? years away from working with SimpleXML. My advice write a prototype with SimpleXML see if it works for you. If performance is paramount..
Removing array item by value
Should I use EAV model? schema less persistence I'm in the process of building a prototype with an attributes entity to see how flexible it is and testing..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? a frondend HTML script load Javascript code index.html the prototype JS library but you can also use jQuery The backend script backend.php.. Konqueror navigator.appVersion.match KHTML if is_khtml var prototypejs document.createElement 'script' prototypejs.setAttribute 'type'.. is_khtml var prototypejs document.createElement 'script' prototypejs.setAttribute 'type' 'text javascript' prototypejs.setAttribute..
PHP array Encoding and Decoding:Need a function for encoding and decoding string or array with delimiters or array itself decoding share improve this question I wrote you a prototype for an extended class from this base class. Not sure what PatternFlip..
PHP type-hinting to primitive values? by specifying the name of the class in the function prototype interfaces arrays since PHP 5.1 or callable since PHP 5.4 ...
Is it wise to use PHP for a daemon? I explained . I also see nothing wrong with using PHP to prototype something that may or may not be later rewritten in C. For instance..
Create array printed with print_r it works on my testcase. Here's a link to a functioning prototype at http idlXdij3 . I'll post the code inline too..
How to make a chat room script with PHP? once like in regular ajax requests i'm not using jquery or prototype here so the code's a bit obese this is really old . here's the..
JavaScript equivalent of PHP's in_array() found Note that I intentionally did not extend the Array prototype as it is generally a bad idea to do so. share improve this..
Symfony2: collection form field type with data-prototype collection form field type with data prototype I have a Team to which I would like to add players objects.. view for index player in form.players div id template data prototype form_widget form.players.get 'prototype' e span class title.. id template data prototype form_widget form.players.get 'prototype' e span class title index span form_row div endfor..
Magento - Redirect Customer from Observer Method . As written your example method does not have the correct prototype to receive event observer data missing an argument . Using an..
Do all browsers support PHP's $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']? really depends on the Ajax library used. I checked out Prototype jQuery Mootools and YUI and they all set it. share improve..
Form that makes browser redirect when accessed by either a regular form submit or an Ajax request - is this possible? Requested With http header in your server side code jQuery Prototype Mootools among others set this if @ _SERVER 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'..
Creating a file progress bar in PHP
PHP to Javascript Array (Kind of) JavaScript library to generate AJAX request i.e. JQuery Prototype . In my case I used function eval to make array from JSON response...
Values in UTF-8 being encoded as NULL in JSON just encodes sets the header and prints it for usage with Prototype EDIT DB Connection method function connect if this set 'sql_connect'..
What Tools and Extensions are Critical for Magento Development? [closed] over SSH WinSCP Manuals for PHP MySQL Javascript and Prototype Bug tracking system Jira SVN to keep own revisions and be in..
Magento Design Patterns zend framework magento share improve this question Prototype Mage getModel 'catalog product' getTypeInstance Event Observer..
Track when user hits back button on the browser excellent answers. I'd like to use Yahoo but I already use Prototype and Scriptaculous libs and dont want to add more ajax libs...
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? for data titles replaceState. Supports jQuery MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly..
Better PHP,MySql,HTML and JavaScript IDE [closed] Aptana supports a large no. of Javascript libraries from Prototype to ExtJs I would like to mention JQuery especially I am biased..
How to call a PHP class method from a JavaScript function [duplicate] php javascript share improve this question Using the Prototype library Javascript script type text javascript..