php Programming Glossary: pulls
Where does MAMP keep its php.ini? know how to updatedb MAMP is really intelligent and just pulls in all of them less likely or it doesn't use one. osx mamp..
How can I send an email with attachments from a PHP form? pdf. More info can be found here . My example script pulls this information from each file using built in PHP functions...
How can I use PHP to dynamically publish an ical file to be read by Google Calendar? read IN ical files. I just want to write a PHP file that pulls events from my database and writes them out in ical format...
PHP: How to remove specific element from an array? that stores a list of items separated by a comma. The code pulls in the list based on a user choice where that choice is located... choice is located. So if they choose strawberry they code pulls in every entry were strawberry is located then converts that..
PHP output showing little black diamonds with a question mark with a question mark I'm writing a php program that pulls from a database source. Some of the varchars have quotes that..
PHP application running out of Memory a set of classes for a crawler it crawls a start page pulls three links based on parameters found using Simple Html Dom.. of the first page I run a go function which continuosly pulls in the pages until this maxpages is reached. I suppose I could..
Why is this Twitter API script failing? for quite some time. The script looks like this and it pulls the users current status php response new SimpleXMLElement 'http..
Creating multiple pages from sql query as post echo stripslashes post 'text' php endforeach This pulls each post from the database and puts displays them all out...
How to use Facebook graph API to retrieve fan photos uploaded to wall of fan page? photo gallery using PHP and the Facebook graph API. It pulls thumbnails as well as the large image from albums on our Facebook..
Processing large amounts of data in PHP without a browser timeout timeout ignore_user_abort true keep on going even if user pulls the plug while ob_get_level ob_end_clean remove output buffers..
kill users processes in linux with php or run apache as root. php exec kill 9 pid This command pulls the user and their process id which I assume once the apache..
Parse HTML as PHP each of them uses some sort of Dreamweaver template that pulls in the header and footer from different files . I was hoping..
How to Truncate a string in PHP to the word closest to a certain number of characters? of characters I have a code snippet written in PHP that pulls a block of text from a database and sends it out to a widget..
PHP/MySQL Injection example title password body FROM users WHERE '1' '1 would work. pulls from the users table and maps the username and password values..
How to restrict JSON access? to restrict JSON access I have a web application that pulls data from my newly created JSON api. My static HTML pages dynamically..
PHP REST Clients OpenStreetMap REST service php This PestXML usage example pulls data from the OpenStreetMap API. see http
How do I write unit tests in PHP with a procedural codebase? 1 2 asserts when dealing with a function that pushes and pulls lots of globals. Another basic issue is whether the functions..
Creating a PHP Online Grading System on Linux: exec Behavior, Process IDs, and grep running before the for loop continues correct grade.php pulls the earliest submitted code that needs to be graded from the..