php Programming Glossary: isloggedin
How to access Magento user's session from outside Magento? 'frontend' var_dump Mage getSingleton 'customer session' isLoggedIn I keep getting bool false returned. I'm logged into Magento..
PHP form token usage and handling true return false function logout session_destroy function isLoggedIn return isset _SESSION 'user_id' function generateFormHash salt..
Magento : How to check if admin is logged in within a module controller? 'admin session' object to check loggedIn status if session isLoggedIn echo logged in else echo not logged in but I always get not.. in to the backend if Mage getSingleton 'admin session' isLoggedIn do stuff else echo go away bad boy Did you try var_dumping the..
Current user in Magento? Mage app isInstalled Mage getSingleton 'customer session' isLoggedIn this _data 'welcome' this __ 'Welcome s ' Mage getSingleton..
PHP - Protecting digital Downloads https mod_xsendfile Usage php ... if user isLoggedIn header X Sendfile path_to_somefile header Content Type application..
AJAX POST handler causing “uncaught exception” include 'functions.php' if the user has not logged in if isLoggedIn header 'Location index.php' die category _POST 'category' what..
How to access Magento customer's session from outside Magento? on to a forum too. But try as I might I'm unable to get isLoggedIn to be true. Any suggestions on what I might be missing Here's.. getSingleton 'customer session' Zend_Debug dump session isLoggedIn I checked the following cookie path is set to ' ' I dumped the..