php Programming Glossary: iserror
How to modify existing excel file using PHP? workbook addWorksheet 'My first worksheet' if PEAR isError worksheet die worksheet getMessage workbook close share improve..
PHP: How to send email with attachment using smtp settings? 'password' password mail smtp send to headers body if PEAR isError mail echo p . mail getMessage . p else echo p Message successfully..
smtp configuration for php mail 'password' password mail smtp send to headers body if PEAR isError mail echo p Error sending mail br . mail getMessage . p else..
PHP: PEAR mail help on line 356 Strict Standards Non static method PEAR isError should not be called statically assuming this from incompatible.. on line 365 Strict Standards Non static method PEAR isError should not be called statically assuming this from incompatible.. on line 386 Strict Standards Non static method PEAR isError should not be called statically assuming this from incompatible..
Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in [duplicate] db DB connect 'mysql usr pw@localhost dbname' if PEAR isError db die db getMessage then create a resource res db query SELECT..
Send email using GMail SMTP server from PHP page 'passwordxxx' mail smtp send to headers body if PEAR isError mail echo ' p ' . mail getMessage . ' p ' else echo ' p Message..