php Programming Glossary: isdir
Detect if a PHP script is being run interactively or not mode 0010000 S_IFIFO dev isChr mode 0020000 S_IFCHR dev isDir mode 0040000 S_IFDIR dev isBlk mode 0060000 S_IFBLK dev isReg.. test php io.php test Directory used as input io stdin isDir true Output php io.php io stdout isChr true php io.php cat io..
PHP - Deleting Directory Contents & SubDirectory Contents
Making a large processing job smaller SELF_FIRST foreach iterator as file if file isDir file getExtension 'mp3' real path to mp3 file filePath file..
How to delete a folder with contents using PHP if in_array file getBasename array '.' '..' true if file isDir true rmdir file getPathName else if file isFile true file..
upload large files using php, apache php path _COOKIE 'Mypath' target_path uploads . path if isDir target_path mkdir target_path # Do uploading here target_path..
PHP SPL RecursiveDirectoryIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator retrieving the full tree
Help Using RegexIterator in PHP against the regex public function accept return this isDir preg_match this regex this getFilename To put those into practice..
Delete directory with files in it? getFilename '.' file getFilename '..' continue if file isDir rmdir file getRealPath else unlink file getRealPath rmdir dir..
Use RecursiveDirectoryIterator to list directories and files into array? if child isDot continue name child getBasename if child isDir subit new DirectoryIterator child getPathname result name..
How to list files and folder in a dir (PHP) [duplicate] based on file or folder foreach it as fileinfo if fileinfo isDir printf Folder s n fileinfo getFilename elseif fileinfo isFile..
Get the hierarchy of a directory with PHP current dir or the parent if item '.' item '..' if item isDir call the function on the folder dir_contents_recursive dir..
PHP: How to populate a directory structure in an array r array foreach ritit as splFileInfo path splFileInfo isDir array splFileInfo getFilename array array splFileInfo getFilename..
Deep recursive array of directory structure in PHP [duplicate] dir data array foreach dir as node if node isDir node isDot data node getFilename fillArrayWithFileNodes new..