php Programming Glossary: isxmlhttprequest
JavaScript Ajax request vs jQuery $.ajax 'json' if this getRequest isPost this getRequest isXmlHttpRequest echo json_encode array_merge array 'ajax' true this _getAllParams..
How to render ZF2 view within JSON response? request This is what I have right now if this getRequest isXmlHttpRequest jsonModel new JsonModel ... @todo Render HTML script into `.. be done... public function indexAction if this getRequest isXmlHttpRequest return array htmlViewPart new ViewModel htmlViewPart setTerminal..
Laravel 4 Ajax check to include XMLHttpRequest (from Magnific Popup) AJAX call. @return bool public function ajax return this isXmlHttpRequest Here isXmlHttpRequest is an extended method from Request.php.. public function ajax return this isXmlHttpRequest Here isXmlHttpRequest is an extended method from Request.php class of Symphony because.. which determines the ajax request by public function isXmlHttpRequest return 'XMLHttpRequest' this headers get 'X Requested With'..
Modular web site with zend framework, stack of actions to the stack if it's a XmlHttpRequest if this getRequest isXmlHttpRequest this _helper actionStack 'left' 'somecontroller' 'somemodule'..
How to disable redirection after login_check in Symfony 2 Request request TokenInterface token if request isXmlHttpRequest result array 'success' true return new Response json_encode.. request AuthenticationException exception if request isXmlHttpRequest result array 'success' false return new Response json_encode..
Symfony2 AJAX Login Request request TokenInterface token if request isXmlHttpRequest result array 'success' true response new Response json_encode.. request AuthenticationException exception if request isXmlHttpRequest result array 'success' false 'message' exception getMessage..
Symfony2: Echoing JSON From a Controller for Use in an ExtJS 4 Grid only is going to be used uncomment next lines if request isXmlHttpRequest throw this createNotFoundException 'The page is not found' repository..