

php Programming Glossary: ispost

JavaScript Ajax request vs jQuery $.ajax


'ajax' 'json' initContext 'json' if this getRequest isPost this getRequest isXmlHttpRequest echo json_encode array_merge..

Zend Framework 2 - Hydrator strategy for Doctrine relationship not working


obj getArrayCopy request this getRequest if request isPost form setData request getPost if form isValid form bindValues..

Practical Zend_ACL + Zend_Auth implementation and best practices


function loginAction openId null if this getRequest isPost and openId this _getParam 'openid_identifier' false do nothing..

Zend Form Edit and Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists


after this you do verifications e.g. if this getRequest isPost if form isValid this getRequest getPost .... That's it ..

Zend_Auth: Allow user to be logged in to multiple tables/identities


loginAction form new Admin_Form_Login if this getRequest isPost formData this _request getPost if form isValid formData authAdapter..

Zend Validation Db_NoRecordExists and exclude option


populate pagesMapper fetchId id true if this getRequest isPost if form isValid this getRequest getPost ... cut ... this view..

cURL post data to asp.net page


curl_init url function sendCurl curl_connection url params isPost false post_string params post_string http_build_query params.. 1 curl_setopt curl_connection CURLOPT_REFERER url if isPost curl_setopt curl_connection CURLOPT_POST true set data to be..