php Programming Glossary: isfile
PHP get path to every file in folder/subfolder into array? [duplicate] foreach fileinfos as pathname fileinfo if fileinfo isFile continue var_dump pathname This example first of all specifies.. about size and time and so on and so forth. if fileinfo isFile continue Finally I just output the pathname that is the full.. entries only allow true files return iterator current isFile And that's it again. Naturally you can use these filters for..
How to delete a folder with contents using PHP if file isDir true rmdir file getPathName else if file isFile true file isLink true unlink file getPathname return rmdir..
A recursive remove directory function for PHP? RecursiveIteratorIterator CHILD_FIRST as path path isFile unlink path getPathname rmdir path getPathname rmdir dirPath..
help with glob pattern dir path foreach iterator as file if file isFile preg_match ^ 0 9 . i file getFilename echo file getFilename..
Uploading large video via Youtube API causing Out of Memory tried increasing memory_limit but that does not help. if isFile ini_set 'memory_limit' '2G' data file_get_contents data ch curl_init..
Help Using RegexIterator in PHP files against the regex public function accept return this isFile preg_match this regex this getFilename class DirnameFilter..
Is there an easy way to read filenames in a directory and add to an array? ' path to files ' as fileInfo if fileInfo isDot fileInfo isFile continue files fileInfo getFilename share improve this answer..
read files in folder new DirectoryIterator ' path to videos' as file if file isFile TRUE file getBasename '.DS_Store' printf option s option n htmlentities.. FilterIterator public function accept return this current isFile TRUE this current getBasename '.DS_Store' iterator new MyFilter.. to videos' iterator addCallback function file return file isFile TRUE file getBasename '.DS_Store' The SelectBox creation would..
How to list files and folder in a dir (PHP) [duplicate] printf Folder s n fileinfo getFilename elseif fileinfo isFile printf File From s s n it getSubPath fileinfo getFilename ..
Deep recursive array of directory structure in PHP [duplicate] new DirectoryIterator node getPathname else if node isFile data node getFilename return data share improve this answer..