php Programming Glossary: hotel
Regex to match top level delimiters in a multi dimensional string like this alpha beta charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel The regex I am trying to build for a preg_match_all should match.. is given as Match 1 beta charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel Instead the result should be Match 1 beta charlie delta Match.. result should be Match 1 beta charlie delta Match 2 golf hotel So regex wizards what function am I missing here or do I need..
help on building a basic php search engine get searching if this input get 'keyword' resultset this hotel searchterm _GET 'keyword' if this input get 'keyword' searchkeys.. _GET as key value searchkeys key value resultset this hotel searchcat searchkeys sorting if this input get 'sortby' resultset.. sorting if this input get 'sortby' resultset this hotel sortdefault _GET 'sortby' if this input get 'keyword' this..
PHP sorting issue with simpleXML as stateattr this doesn't do it foreach sortedStates as hotel @attributes blargh if isset stateattr info statearr stateattr..
How to convert this XML request into array in php? HotelImage Type Bedroom URL https live hotel mikiNet image v1.0 FR 4162 419 lr room.jpg HotelImage Type.. HotelImage Type Bedroom URL https live hotel mikiNet image v1.0 FR 4162 419 lr room1.jpg HotelImages HotelDescription.. HotelImages HotelDescription LongDescription This 2 star hotel is located in the city centre of Nice. It is close to the Beach...
How to implement check availability in hotel reservation system to implement check availability in hotel reservation system I am developing website for my friend's..
Using SimpleXML to load remote URL my browser the following http ean services rs hotel v3 list cid 55505 minorRev 12 apiKey 2hkhej72gxyas3ky6hhjtsga.. It works If I try url 'http ean services rs hotel v3 list cid 55505 minorRev 12 apiKey 2hkhej72gxyas3ky6hhjtsga.. load file http ean services rs hotel v3 list cid 55505 minorRev 12 apiKey 2hkhej72gxyas3ky6hhjtsga..
Checking for date range conflicts in MySQL for date range conflicts in MySQL I am writing a hotel booking system. after lots of studying including stack overflow..
Expedia API blank API blank Im looking to book a hotel with expedia api https but the url is always.. details here using rest json http docs hotels version_3 book_reservation I've seen a few people experiencing.. knew what it was https ean services rs hotel v3 res cid 55505 apiKey xxx locale en_US currencyCode USD customerUserAgent..