php Programming Glossary: hrefs
Change a relative URL to absolute URL hi a ' and i want to append the absolute url to all hrefs where no abolute domain is given. html ' a href http
PHP dom to get tag class with multiple css class name false grab all the on the page xpath new DOMXPath dom hrefs xpath evaluate html body a @class 'firstLink' its working hrefs.. xpath evaluate html body a @class 'firstLink' its working hrefs xpath evaluate html body a @class 'secondLink SecondClass' not..
Create a complex structure with DOMDocument xml page page xpath new DOMXPath xml Set the base path hrefs xpath evaluate page Add Path to web to the root page href hrefs.. xpath evaluate page Add Path to web to the root page href hrefs item 0 href setAttribute PathToWeb PathToWeb Complex XML Creation.. with Xpath ELEMENT APPEND create questions into page href hrefs item 0 element xml createElement 'Questions' href appendChild..
Href URL matching, [duplicate] First use the method described here to retrieve all hrefs then you can use a regex or strpos to filter out those who don't.. see this . Once you parsed the document and got the hrefs you need then you can filter them out with simple functions... end of the procedure this will be populated with filtered hrefs hrefs array foreach dom getElementsByTagName 'a' as node look..