php Programming Glossary: hot
Stripping HTML Comments With PHP But Leaving Conditionals goes here ... php ob_end_flush Since my regex isn't too hot I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to modify the pattern..
RecursiveIteratorIterator and RecursiveDirectoryIterator to nested html lists milk.html food drinks soda.html food entrees food entrees hot food entrees hot hamburger.html food entrees hot pizza.html.. soda.html food entrees food entrees hot food entrees hot hamburger.html food entrees hot pizza.html food entrees cold.. entrees hot food entrees hot hamburger.html food entrees hot pizza.html food entrees cold food entrees cold icecream.html..
Creating a thumbnail from an uploaded image NOT NULL `user_pic_small` longblob NOT NULL I'm not crash hot with the image side of coding but this is what I have so far... ' . imgData. ' WHERE id creator_id sql2 INSERT INTO userphotos photo_ownerid photo_ispublic photo_name photo_caption photo_imagedata.. ' WHERE id creator_id sql2 INSERT INTO userphotos photo_ownerid photo_ispublic photo_name photo_caption photo_imagedata..
Shortcomings of mysql_real_escape_string? correctly understood. Another way to get yourself into hot water using mysql_real_escape_string is when you set the database..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? at other chat applications to see how they did it http hot q blite BlaB Lite is an AJAX based and best viewed..
PHP MySQL Order by Two Columns article is pretty good Feb 1 2009 5 This Article isn't so hot Jan 25 2009 The relevant SQL I'm using is ORDER BY article_rating..
Auto documenting REST API in PHP intersting title Intersting Questions link href questions hot title Hot Questions questions Now everything is linked again...
Working with Php-Java Bridge not supported anymore. Please use tomcat or jee hot deployment instead Fatal error Uncaught o Exception java.lang.Exception..
Smarty (and other tpl ngins): assign and assign_by_ref automatically assigned by reference. And since objects are hot maybe this is an outdated question but I am very curious. UPDATE..
Twitter timezone & created_at (utc time) values to calculate what time zone the user is in I'm probably coming across really annoying I'm tired and hot and been looking for this solution for too long thanks Andy..
How to get the full URL of a Drupal page sure this is something simple but my Google fu isn't so hot on this one. php drupal content management system share improve..
Is it possible to capture search term from Google search? Web site For example let's say someone searches Google for hot dog and my site comes up as one of the search result links... site is it possible for me to somehow know or capture the hot dog text from the Google search box so that I can call a script.. that searches my local database for content related to hot dogs and then display that It seems totally impossible to me..
Flowplayer Secure Streaming with Apache searching everywhere I found this post . I've restricted hot linking by other sites via .htaccess now I'm trying to restrict..
Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication? day by day metrics just for the hell of it. When I have a hot second I'll post a more complete tutorial but here's a quick..