php Programming Glossary: hood
What is the DOM Core Level / Version Supported by PHP DOM? even replace the binary version of the library under the hood without need to recompile php. That's hakish and limited I know..
In PHP (>= 5.0), is passing by reference faster? who really knows what's definitely happening under the hood. In five years of PHP development I've always found it hard..
Getting a PHP PDO connection from a mysql_connect()? pass dbname credentials might I be so lucky that under the hood PHP will re use the original connection Or will PHP create two..
Using the Data Mapper Pattern, Should the Entities (Domain Objects) know about the Mapper? message is clean precise and unambiguous. Underneath the hood you can utilize any number of patterns techniques to ensure..
How to implement PubSubHubBub? important to understand what's going on under the hood so you may want to implement it yourself. It's not that complicated...
Converting a number with comma as decimal point to float
PHP language specification? I'm miserably clueless about what really happens under the hood. If there isn't any official document could you recommend me..
PHP Difference between Curl and HttpRequest page seems to suggest that HTTPRequest uses CURL under the hood anyway. Sounds like it might offer a slightly more elegant interface..