php Programming Glossary: holiday
How do i make Xpath search case insensitive but I'm unsure of how to do this. Here is my search file holidayDoc simplexml_load_file 'holidays.xml' fetch data from form txtSearch.. Here is my search file holidayDoc simplexml_load_file 'holidays.xml' fetch data from form txtSearch _GET 'txtSearch' qry channel.. _GET 'txtSearch' qry channel item contains . txtSearch holidays holidayDoc xpath qry do the xpath query now loop through all..
PHP/MYSQL only allowing one vote per member? more about this than anyone else here and my boss in on holiday. But I've been reusing the code that had previously been left..
Calculate business days weekends but ideally it should account for US federal holidays as well. I'm sure I could come up with a solution by brute.. the starting and ending dates along with an array of any holidays that might be in between and it returns the working days as.. no. of business days between two dates and it skips the holidays function getWorkingDays startDate endDate holidays do strtotime..
Should I use multiple classes for game? making a text based RPG type program in PHP as both a holiday project and a chance to learn more about PHP and OOP. Maybe..
Configuration storage setup [file vs. db] is slower CitrusDB has a table in the database called holiday . This table consists of just one date field called holiday_date.. . This table consists of just one date field called holiday_date that holds dates that are holidays. The idea is to let.. date field called holiday_date that holds dates that are holidays. The idea is to let the user add holidays to the table I guess..
Calculating working hours between two dates on a 8 hour working day and excluding weekends and bank holidays. For example the difference between 2012 01 01T08 30 00 AND.. working hours because the first two days are weekend bank holiday which just leaves 3 working days and the time differnce of 2..