php Programming Glossary: holders
replace multiple placeholders with php? multiple placeholders with php i have a function that sends out site emails using.. i want to do is basically for php to replace all the placheholders in the email.tpl file with content that i feed it. Problem for.. message file_get_contents email_template Replace place holders in email template message str_replace USERNAME username message..
Insert large amount of variables into table using PDO array_map function col return ` . col. ` array_keys fields holders array_map function col return . col array_keys fields values.. sql INSERT INTO ` table` . join columns . VALUES . join holders . if stmt pdo prepare sql false die print_r pdo errorInfo true..
How do I loop through a MySQL query via PDO in PHP? PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION prepare the statement. the place holders allow PDO to handle substituting the values which also prevents..
How to replace new lines by regular expressions text p p another text p p more text p Regex Use as end holders so that you don't have to escape the forward slash in ' p '...
Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements I've seen variable and as what I think are known as place holders sorry if that is wrong . But I think this is roughly the idea.. statements at the moment as I prefer my home brewed placeholders over them utilizing a library I mentioned above. So to counter..
PHP regex templating - find all occurrences of {{var}} data and I want to use preg_replace to replace some place holders with real data. The input would be something like this td address..