php Programming Glossary: honest
How do I execute a PHP shell script as an Automator action on Mac OS X allow this. But since PHP also ships with Mac OS and to be honest it's the only scripting language I fully master I wonder why..
Zend Framework 2 - Global check for authentication with ZFCUser framework2 zfcuser share improve this question To be honest I don't think it is a good idea to block every page for a non..
Possible grouping of words think I managed to get this right. I'm really proud to be honest since I don't usually do well with algorithms. Anyway here we..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] information to a potential attacker yet confuse a honest visitor. A custom exception handler could be added later but..
Portable and safe way to get PATH_INFO back in the days when no one used mod_rewrite so my honest humble guess is that you're plain wrong in this point . Regarding..
An efficient way to save an Array and its Keys to a database having to add a new variable and table column pair. To be honest I just need help with constructing the SQL String only the rest..
Saving a .xls file with fwrite excel file. These functions do some hex writing and to be honest I got them from some where else but hey it works so I am not..
Languages / stacks for deployment to continue development on for years to come. I'll be honest I'm a former Java developer not JSP turned PHP developer. My..
In PHP can someone explain cloning vs pointer reference? variable references that much. It's rare that I find an honest need for them. But I do use object references all the time...
match url pattern in php using regular expression improve this question I'd use a different regex to be honest. Like this one that Gruber posted in 2009 b w www . ^ s w d..
Zend_Cache: After loading cached data, character encoding seems messed up true it success to override the internal encoding to be honest i don't know if there is better solution or how bad it is if..
What is your preferred php deployment strategy? [closed]
Decode a PHP encoded with 'zend guard' If obfuscation is on then it's easier to rewrite it to be honest. Have a read of this article from the Zend site I know it is..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation seems more relevant to bulletin replies that posts to be honest. Ie 'i see your response and instead of writing my own I will..
Programmatically determine whether to describe an object with “a” or “an”? my A_explicit_an enclose join ' ' euler hour i heir honest hono my A_ordinal_an enclose join ' ' aefhilmnorsx th my A_ordinal_a..
A PHP and jQuery form creation and validation library available? [closed] I am still unconvinced by any of the options to be honest and I am left wondering why people who embark on these projects..
Server CPU and GPU With LAMP support or really any GPU support at all in HipHop . To be honest HipHop is not the right solution for the majority of PHP users...
Best PHP Framework for someone who has never used one? improve this question I'd stick with CodeIgniter to be honest. More importantly though why do you need a framework By that..
Where do I start with Zend Framework? [closed] can be quite a bit of complexity in setting it up. To be honest if starting to get your feet wet with MVC applications you might..
How do I make an asynchronous GET request in PHP? script2.php variable 45' echo output string output To be honest I do not want to mess around with CURL as this isn't really..