php Programming Glossary: firewalls
Bing search API and Azure example. Here are two methods that work for me no proxy firewalls etc. interfering file_get_contents aka the way they did it note..
HTTP vs FTP upload a burden on your clients. A lot of places have proxies or firewalls that block all FTP traffic in or out . share improve this answer..
Symfony2.1: Unable to find the controller for path “/login_check” the routes and set the firewall settings security.yml firewalls dev pattern ^ _ profiler wdt css images js security false backend..
How to enable DDoS protection? at the IP packet level and are handled by routing rules firewalls and security devices developed to handle DDOS attacks. Is there..
Storing encrypted personal information - common sense? of encryption and decryption What other mechanisms like firewalls physical security and employee vetting can be put in place Here's..
Uploading big files over HTTP natively for maintenance reasons potential problems with firewalls etc. php c http upload share improve this question I'm..
Automatic post-registration user authentication file with a firewall like app config security.yml security firewalls main firewall settings here And a controller action similar..
How to use an authenticated user in a Symfony2 functional test? 'ROLE_USER' admin password adminpass roles 'ROLE_ADMIN' firewalls secured area pattern ^ demo secured http_basic realm Secured..
How to make a separate url for signin via Facebook using FOSFacebookBundle in Symfony2 id fos_user.user_manager fos_facebook id fos_facebook.auth firewalls public pattern ^ fos_facebook app_url server_url login_path.. Unrecognized options fos_userbundle under security.firewalls.public and if I change fos_userbundle to form_login in public.. and if I change fos_userbundle to form_login in public firewalls but should I do this at all it throws an exception You must..
How to disable redirection after login_check in Symfony 2 success true else success false endif and in security.yml firewalls main form_login provider fos_userbundle failure_path null failure_forward.. AuthenticationHandler Register the service in the firewall firewalls main form_login success_handler authentication_handler failure_handler..
Symfony2 AJAX Login you just defined # app config security.yml security firewalls secured_area pattern ^ anonymous ~ form_login login_path login..
How to programmatically login/authenticate a user? working on. Here is my security.yml I'm working with two firewalls. The plain text encoder is just for testing. security encoders.. class Ray CentralBundle Entity Client property email firewalls dev pattern ^ _ profiler wdt css images js security false user_login..
Symfony 2 - firewall and access control issue but it doesn't work. Here is my security.yml firewalls dev pattern ^ _ profiler wdt css images js security false login..