php Programming Glossary: finder
PHP count total files in directory AND subdirectory function absPath closedir d helper function to instantiate one finder object return value is not very important though because all..
Measure the pronounceability of a word? of a word I'm tinkering with a domain name finder and want to favour those words which are easy to pronounce...
PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)? is not found in the database param IsValid UserRecord finder findByPk this Username Text null ... I understand that the TPage..
how to decode this JSON string? JSON string this is what i get as a string from a feed finder url JSON Encoded updated 1265787927 id http reader.. 1265787927 id http reader api 0 feed finder q u003dhttp u0026output u003djson title.. self href http reader api 0 feed finder q u003dhttp u0026output u003djson feed..
Zend_Registry: real life examples In this case you need some kind of lookup method a finder but the question remains How do you get to the finder The main.. a finder but the question remains How do you get to the finder The main reason why I use the registry when I use it is because..
PHP mkdir: Permission denied problem NO filesystem functions work via php. How to fix Open a finder window and from the menu bar choose Go Go To Folder private..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? change the whole thing to class MyTestSubject protected finder public function __construct Finder finder this finder finder.. protected finder public function __construct Finder finder this finder finder public function foo id return this doSomethingWithResults.. finder public function __construct Finder finder this finder finder public function foo id return this doSomethingWithResults..
Getting DOM elements by Class name so the php would be dom new DomDocument dom load filePath finder new DomXPath dom classname my class nodes finder query contains.. filePath finder new DomXPath dom classname my class nodes finder query contains concat ' ' normalize space @class ' ' ' classname.. an xpath selector dom new DomDocument dom load filePath finder new DomXPath dom classname my class nodes finder query contains..
How to integrate Xdebug 2.2.3 (PHP 5.53) with PhpStorm 7.0 another window. Choose the correct PHP version via the Finder . For the default installation folder it's at applications MAMP..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? MyTestSubject protected finder public function __construct Finder finder this finder finder public function foo id return this.. Registry. We are now injecting the dependency MyWebSe err Finder Yeah. We just care about the method findById so we are using.. method findById so we are using an interface now interface Finder public function findById id Don't forget to change the Mock..
How to set up PEAR on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard It's a hidden file so it won't showup in the Finder. Open it with a text editor. If you're having trouble because..
Accessing Files Relative to Bundle in Symfony2 config config.yml I've checked out the Symfony Component Finder Finder class but I don't think that's what I'm looking for... config.yml I've checked out the Symfony Component Finder Finder class but I don't think that's what I'm looking for. Any ideas..