php Programming Glossary: findall
Symfony2.1 mapping error: class_parents() em getRepository 'ProjectBaseBundle SYS_TCountry' findAll serializer new Serializer array new GetSetMethodNormalizer array..
Proper Repository Pattern Design in PHP? public function __construct db this db db public function findAll public function findById id public function findByName name.. in a real world app I need a lot more methods. For example findAllByNameAndStatus findAllInCountry findAllWithEmailAddressSet findAllByAgeAndGender.. a lot more methods. For example findAllByNameAndStatus findAllInCountry findAllWithEmailAddressSet findAllByAgeAndGender findAllByAgeAndGenderOrderByAge..
Features needed when building a ORM with PHP? [closed] all users as players users ORM factory 'users' users users findAll foreach users as user user setGame game user save unset users.. Get all games and show all users games ORM factory 'games' findAll foreach games as game print game name print 'Users in game '.. ORM class which would have all the basic methods find id findAll where save Other usefull features would be things like Able..
CakePHP - How do i set the page title to an item name? 'Guitars' function index this set 'Guitars' this Guitar findAll this pageTitle All Guitars function view id null this Guitar.. this set Inflector variable this name this this modelClass findAll this pageTitle 'All '.Inflector humanize this name function..
problem understanding relation mapping in doctrine 2 it is like this comments this em getRepository 'comments' findAll foreach comments as comment foreach comment getKeywords as keyword..
dependent dropdown box with Yii model 'CountryID' CHtml listData Worldareascountries model findAll country 'CountryID' array 'ajax' array 'type' 'POST' 'url'.. model 'CountryID' CHtml listData Worldareascountries model findAll country 'CountryID' 'CountryName' array 'ajax' array 'type'.. model 'StateID' CHtml listData Worldareasstates model findAll state 'StateID' 'StateName' array 'ajax' array 'type' 'POST'..
How do one use ACL to filter a list of domain-objects according to a certain user's permissions (e.g. EDIT)? this get 'security.acl.provider' barCollection repo findAll oids array foreach bars as bar oid ObjectIdentity fromDomainObject..
Symfony2: Echoing JSON From a Controller for Use in an ExtJS 4 Grid doc current book doctrine.html items repository findAll or you can use something more sophisticated items repository..