php Programming Glossary: findme
Get content between two strings PHP ## see below out ob_get_contents ob_end_clean preg_match ' FINDME . n FINDME ' out matches match matches 0 echo match ## I have.. out ob_get_contents ob_end_clean preg_match ' FINDME . n FINDME ' out matches match matches 0 echo match ## I have used . n.. check for new lines. Is this correct ## externalfile.html FINDME Text Here FINDME For some reason this appears to work on one..
Adding custom callback to Codeigniter Form Validation in My_Form_validation. public function email_check email findme '' pos strpos email findme if pos FALSE this CI form_validation.. email_check email findme '' pos strpos email findme if pos FALSE this CI form_validation set_message 'email_check'..
What is the fastest way to find the occurrence of a string in another string? [duplicate] Hi Could you tell me which one is faster strstr mystring findme OR strpos mystring findme OR anything else in finding the first.. one is faster strstr mystring findme OR strpos mystring findme OR anything else in finding the first or any occurrence of a.. the relevant comments An example mystring 'blahblahblah' findme 'bla' if strstr mystring findme echo 'got it' else echo 'none'..