php Programming Glossary: firstchild
How to modify xml file using PHP not sure it can be only documentElement or documentElement firstChild or only firstChild nodesToDelete array markers root getElementsByTagName.. only documentElement or documentElement firstChild or only firstChild nodesToDelete array markers root getElementsByTagName 'marker'..
Replace newlines with BR tags, but only inside PRE tags getInnerHTML Node Body Node ownerDocument documentElement firstChild firstChild Document new DOMDocument Document appendChild Document.. Node Body Node ownerDocument documentElement firstChild firstChild Document new DOMDocument Document appendChild Document importNode..
Inserting data in XML file with PHP DOM xmldoc load 'sample.xml' LIBXML_NOBLANKS activities xmldoc firstChild firstChild if activities null while activities null echo activities.. 'sample.xml' LIBXML_NOBLANKS activities xmldoc firstChild firstChild if activities null while activities null echo activities textContent.'.. load 'sample.xml' newAct _POST 'activity' root xmldoc firstChild newElement xmldoc createElement 'activity' root appendChild..
SimpleXML how to prepend a child in a node? dom ownerDocument createElement name value dom firstChild return simplexml_import_dom new get_class this actors simplexml_load_string..
PHP DOMElement::getElementsByTagName - Anyway to get just the immediate matching children? to iterate through the children or use XPath. for n parent firstChild n null n n nextSibling if n instanceof DOMElement n tagName..
Highlight keywords in a paragraph string dom saveXml dom getElementsByTagName 'body' item 0 firstChild Results in p span class highlight foo span b bar b p And with..
Printing content of a XML file using XML DOM dom getElementsByTagName 'telefon' as telefon node telefon firstChild firstChild 1st child of model printf Name s Type s Value s n.. 'telefon' as telefon node telefon firstChild firstChild 1st child of model printf Name s Type s Value s n node nodeName.. root p Hello em World em p root ' node dom documentElement firstChild p printf Name s Type s Value s n node nodeName node nodeType..
PHP Dom Remove element leave contents for that function DOMRemove DOMNode from sibling from firstChild do next sibling nextSibling from parentNode insertBefore sibling..
DOMDocument saveHTML without HTML wrapper? with loadHTML # remove DOCTYPE doc removeChild doc firstChild # remove html body body html doc replaceChild doc firstChild.. # remove html body body html doc replaceChild doc firstChild firstChild firstChild doc firstChild share improve this answer..
How get first level of dom elements by Domdocument PHP? xpath query foreach entries as entry var_dump entry firstChild nodeValue Thanks Yosef php xpath domdocument share improve..