php Programming Glossary: fires
How Drupal works? [closed] paths are handled by different plugin modules because it fires the 'menu' event hook_menu and gathers up all the metadata plugin.. Drupal's FormAPI is responsible for building a page and fires the 'a form was submitted' event for a module to respond to...
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll menu that filters the items. I also have a function that fires when the user gets to the bottom of the page. Can anyone help..
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler keyup method I can capture the input values after an event fires but when the elements are added dynamically to the modal div.. added dynamically to the modal div the event no llonger fires when the user enters their text. Which jQuery method supports..
dynamic drop down box? example posted above The user chooses a student name which fires the jQuery .change selector Here is the line where it grabs..
Preventing PHP Code from being Pirated Insurance companies have a positive business despite fires burglaries and house incidents actually happen. Do the same...
Custom Wordpress 3.5.2 plugin “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” . I am logged in as the super user admin. The script that fires when the menu item is clicked is wordpress wp admin options..
Multithreading in PHP a possibility to work for 30 secs. Most of the examples fires up the PHP's and waits for the results. But unfortunately in..
Sending/Displaying a base64 encoded Image That does not work for some reason. onerror always fires. Watching the FireBug Network task for instance tells me that..
Close connection in PHP but keep executing script you can always fall back to returning a page quickly that fires an AJAX request to execute more items from a queue. mvds reminds..
Why does the error “expected to be a reference, value given” appear? expected to be a reference value given&rdquo appear It fires out when I try to call function with argument by reference function..
Alert user if session is going to expire, option to renew session It's relatively easy Build a JavaScript timer that fires in session lifetime 5 min minutes using setTimeout Have the..
Catching PHP mail() errors and showing reasonable user error message the normal errors such as email formatting but once it fires off to the server and say a user has put in an email address..
Best practices to test protected methods with PHPUnit (on abstract classes) and implements abstract methods in a concrete class and fires the tests against that concrete class but i do not know how..
How to get Insert id in MSSQL in PHP? example if you insert a row into table1 but that insert fires a trigger which inserts a row into table2 then @@IDENTITY will..
Magento - customer_save_after always fired twice each method and can tell you at least ONE reason why it fires twice there may be others When a new user creates and account..
Facebook PHP SDK getSession() fails to get session. Cookie problem? the face it wasn't working. I have noticed that this still fires a few errors in the error logs relating to the cookies so it..
Troubleshooting “parse error, unexpected '>'” error [closed] half my classes are web design now. I enjoy camping bon fires and p echo p playing video games hanging out with friends and..
destroy session on window close? problems with multiple windows not tabs as window.onclose fires on windows not tabs but I believe there's a solution to this..