php Programming Glossary: fit
How to get \uXXXX to display correctly, using PHP5 is this . Of course I cannot be 100 sure but it seems to fit. Maybe you can take it from here. That was a good exercise ..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables limit the results so the query returns all the rows that fit the criteria. So to give an example of a cartesian join lets..
How would you transform a pre-existing web app into a multilingual one? best way to do that Making something on my own trying to fit the actual architecture. Rewriting a good part of it using a.. changes. You can tweak individual parts of the site to fit the target language for example French text is on average 30..
Can I call a Model from a View? use a full blown PHP MVC I'm designing one that will best fit my uses. I have the basic framework done and have coded the..
Reference: mod_rewrite, URL rewriting and “pretty links” explained entirely free to respond to any request in any way it sees fit in any way you have configured it to respond. This response..
What's wrong with using $_REQUEST[]? there's the possibility the amount of data you want won't fit in a URL so it has be mutated to a POST request instead as a..
Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers? if you're going to test a bunch of them to see if they fit your needs why not just use the time spent with them creating..
How exactly is a PHP script executed? What stages does this involve How do included files fit into the parsing of the script This is just to help me get my..
Why do I need to use a popular framework? but I still remain unconvinced. What's the real benefit to someone like myself Am I just being elitist or is this a.. to your idea of packaging up your own framework the benefit of cleaning it up for public consumption can be larger than.. it up for public consumption can be larger than the benefit of getting others to use it. The reason is simple you will have..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? none of the 3xx response codes set out by the W3C seem to fit the requirements 10.3.1 300 Multiple Choices The requested resource.. if indicated by a Cache Control or Expires header field. fits a login page most closely in my opinion. I initially considered.. just as well. After some thought I'd say 302 Found is more fitting because the requested resource was found there just is another..
Handling big user IDs returned by FQL in PHP to floating point values because some are too big to fit in an int of course I need these IDs as strings. Since json_decode..
How to “Validate” Human Names in CakePHP? can really hope for is to force a maximum field length to fit the space you've allocated in your database. Even then you're..
Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP the string is padded with 0x0 at the end to make it fit evenly into a multiple of 16 bytes and trim doc takes care of..
Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance) could use to do the calculations Using APC I could easily fit the lat long pairs into memory those 200k entries take about..
PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding it means that you must always have input converted to fit internal encoding and convereter output to match the external..
Architecture more suitable for web apps than MVC? However the question remains if MVC isn't really a good fit for web applications what is php mvc web applications architecture..
Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones for reuse and the app specific ones one approach doesn't fit all. And of course when you see something reusable emerging..
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string it more detailed and has been slightly modified to fit this answers needs. chop off the textnodes to make a cut in..
Examples of SQL Injections through addslashes()?