php Programming Glossary: explanation
How foreach actually works s is a lot more predictable and doesn't really require explanation Substituting the iterated entity during the loop Another odd..
What is the difference between a language construct and a “built-in” function in PHP? can be broken down as follows Parentheses used for ease of explanation they have no true syntactical meaning expression 3 4 5 expression..
Does mysql_real_escape_string() FULLY protect against SQL injection? is not safe when SET NAMES is used. His explanation from his blog SET NAMES is usually used to switch the encoding..
simple explanation PHP OOP vs Procedural? explanation PHP OOP vs Procedural I would like to learn PHP and want to.. improve this question Background You asked for a simple explanation which suggests three things You want a no nonsense overview.. out and it's the reason you are here asking for a simple explanation yes Here is a no jargon explanation . Procedural vs OOP just..
Laravel 3 : Looking for explanation how to use the model 3 Looking for explanation how to use the model I'm new at MVC and my first framework..
How does PHP Work? This also allows me to be lazy and not have to write an explanation every time it comes up but don't tell anyone If you don't know..
PHP explode the string, but treat words in quotes as a single word for escaped quotes inside quoted strings. EDIT A short explanation # match the character ' ' # start non capture group 1 # match..
What is a class in PHP? . Also check When to use self vs this for a more in depth explanation of Classes and Objects and how to work with them For some additional..
<? ?> tags not working in php 5.3.1 to your .htaccess file php_value short_open_tag 1 More explanation It's not recommend you use short tags . You should use the full..
PHP SimpleXML: insert node at certain position Peek at the new XML echo sxe asXML If you want need an explanation of how this works the code is fairly simple but might include..
Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP url and going directly to it their wiki contains a good explanation of this. Symlinks and Location header You could use symlinks..
Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; everywhere in this code it is not needed at all. Long explanation PHP allows to pass variables in two ways by value and by reference..
int((0.1+0.7)*10) = 7 in several languages. How to prevent this? knowledge about how it's caused and I'd like some detailed explanation but when I think of all the bugs I must have made over the years..
Get PHP to stop replacing '.' characters in $_GET or $_POST arrays? postback share improve this question Here's's explanation of why it does it Dots in incoming variable names Typically..
php regex to match outside of html tags
How do the equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators differ? are of the same type AND have the same value. A full explanation of the differences are available in the PHP manual . Here's..
PHP OOP core framework
Stripping HTML Comments With PHP But Leaving Conditionals it seems to do it well but I give no warranty. s if ^ . Explanation #01 #02 look ahead a position not followed by s #03 any number.. it would be something like this endif 1 . endif 1 Explanation #01 #02 two dashes optional #03 a position followed by #04..
N-grams: Explanation + 2 applications grams Explanation 2 applications I want to implement some applications with n..
Comma separated values in MySQL “IN” clause but you must understand just how drastically bad this is. Explanation Suppose I were to ask you to look up everyone in a telephone..
Regular expression extract a JavaScript variable in PHP preg_match '#var a . s #m' html matches echo matches 1 Explanation Regex will try to match any line containing var a It will then..
Break a CSS file into an array with PHP trim value return results var_dump BreakCSS css Quick Explanation The regexp is simple and boring. It just matches all anything..
PHP PDO prepared statement — mysql LIKE query ret prep execute array ' searchTerm' ' '. searchTerm.' ' Explanation Prepared statements don't simply do a string replace. They transport..
PHP preg_replace preg_replace '~ ~' ' ' 'text to be parsed' Online demo Explanation When PHP parse it will escape two times which means it becomes..
How to check if string is a valid XML element name? A XML a z w0 9 i' subject # valid name else # invalid name Explanation A Beginning of the string XML Negative lookahead assert that..
Code-Golf: one line PHP syntax Golf one line PHP syntax Explanation PHP has some holes in its' syntax and occasionally in development..
Why the hash part of the URL is not in the server side? to deal it with Javascript. The server can not read it. Explanation Basically the hash component of the page URL the part following..
Zend_Cache: After loading cached data, character encoding seems messed up cache Zend_Registry set cache cache Explanation 1 Any php version earlier than PHP 6 doesn't have native support..
Split camelCase word into words with php preg_match (Regular Expression) as preg_match_all ' ^ A Z a z ' str matches See it Explanation Start of capturing parenthesis. Start of non capturing parenthesis...
Printing content of a XML file using XML DOM . br Thanks php xml dom share improve this question Explanation for weird #text strings The weird #text strings dont come out..
PHP count of occurrences of characters of a string within another string haystack strlen str_replace str_split needle '' haystack Explanation The first part is self explanatory. The second part is the length..
PHP Reverse Preg_match if it doesn't contain the regex substring in filter . Explanation taking office as our example string ^ # Anchor the match at..
Remove repeating character [closed] backrefrences echo preg_replace . 1 1 cakkke Output cake Explanation . captures any character 1 is a backreferences to the first..
Match a^n b^n c^n (e.g. “aaabbbccc”) using regular expressions (PCRE) 'abbcc' 0 Try it yourself http codepad.viper 1erq9v Explanation If you consider the regex without the positive lookahead assertion..
using apache's mod_rewrite to parse SEO friendly URL's for both RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^ ^ ^ . 1.php id 2 L Explanation ^ beginning of the string ^ first group that doesn't contain..
Codeigniter & HTML5 - Trying to Upload Multiple Images at Once if this upload do_upload h arr_file_data this upload data Explanation I simply change the structure of _FILES to the common structure..