php Programming Glossary: expected_sig
Facebook user deauthorizes the app algorithm. Expected HMAC SHA256' return null check sig expected_sig hash_hmac 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig.. hash_hmac 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig error_log 'Bad Signed JSON signature ' return null return data..
Seamless way to check if user likes page algorithm. Expected HMAC SHA256' return null check sig expected_sig hash_hmac 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig.. hash_hmac 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig error_log 'Bad Signed JSON signature ' return null return data..
How can I find out what Page has installed my Facebook App / which page is loading my app algorithm. Expected HMAC SHA256' return null check sig expected_sig hash_hmac 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig.. hash_hmac 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig error_log 'Bad Signed JSON signature ' return null return data..
Facebook Registration Connect algorithm. Expected HMAC SHA256' return null check sig expected_sig hash_hmac 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig.. hash_hmac 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig error_log 'Bad Signed JSON signature ' return null return data..