php Programming Glossary: expires
How to clear browser cache with php? header Cache Control no cache must revalidate header Expires Mon 26 Jul 1997 05 00 00 GMT header Content Type application..
Caching HTTP responses when they are dynamically created by PHP to you can use HTTP response headers to control caching Expires absolute date in the future Cache Control public max age relative..
PHP: How do Cookies and Sessions work? set example using HTTP headers Set Cookie name2 value2 Expires Wed 19 Jun 2021 10 18 14 GMT Which would cause the browser to..
PHP code to convert a MySQL query to CSV [closed]
get_headers Inconsistency [closed] PHPSESSID 3iucojet7bt2peub72rgo0iu21 path HttpOnly 6 Expires Thu 19 Nov 1981 08 52 00 GMT 7 Cache Control no store no cache..
PHP: Force file download and IE, yet again Keep Alive Content Length 15872 Via proxy server name Expires 0 Date Tue 20 Oct 2009 22 41 37 GMT Content Type application.. header 'Content Length '.sprintf ' d' filesize header 'Expires 0' check for IE only headers if isset _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT'..
Create a CSV File for a user in PHP attachment filename file.csv header Pragma no cache header Expires 0 echo record1 record2 record3 n etc Edit Here's a snippet of..
Get mime type of external file using cURL and php text html charset UTF 8 Date Fri 09 Apr 2010 20 35 12 GMT Expires Sun 09 May 2010 20 35 12 GMT Cache Control public max age 2592000..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache Control or Expires header field. The temporary URI SHOULD be given by the Location.. would have been sent in a 200 response to the same request Expires Cache Control and or Vary if the field value might differ from.. is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache Control or Expires header field. The temporary URI SHOULD be given by the Location..
Ajax File Download using Jquery, PHP that uses an octet stream header Pragma public header Expires 0 header Cache Control must revalidate post check 0 pre check..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? php header Cache Control no cache must revalidate header Expires Sun 5 Mar 2012 05 00 00 GMT flush DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD..
Export to CSV via PHP filename disable caching now gmdate D d M Y H i s header Expires Tue 03 Jul 2001 06 00 00 GMT header Cache Control max age 0..
Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API no store Content Type text javascript charset UTF 8 Expires Sat 01 Jan 2000 00 00 00 GMT P3P CP Facebook does not have a..
PHP Curl - Cookies problem 10080 Cache Control public max age 628443948 Expires Sat 23 Aug 2031 08 16 25 GMT Date Fri 23 Sep 2011 16 30 37 GMT.. Type image jpeg Cache Control public max age 628496714 Expires Sat 23 Aug 2031 22 55 51 GMT Date Fri 23 Sep 2011 16 30 37 GMT.. 10080 Cache Control public max age 630611997 Expires Wed 17 Sep 2031 10 30 34 GMT Date Fri 23 Sep 2011 16 30 37 GMT..
Caching HTTP responses when they are dynamically created by PHP will cause clients to cache the page contents until it expires or when a user forces a page reload e.g. press F5 . Dynamic..
PHP Sessions across sub domains close browser and at a later time before original session expires go to and still be logged in . This wont work..
get_headers Inconsistency [closed] 0 8 Pragma no cache 9 Set Cookie bypassStaticCache deleted expires Thu 01 Jan 1970 00 00 01 GMT path httponly 10 Set Cookie bypassStaticCache.. GMT path httponly 10 Set Cookie bypassStaticCache deleted expires Thu 01 Jan 1970 00 00 01 GMT path httponly 11 Vary Accept If..
Set a cookie to never expire Use a far future date. For example set a cookie that expires in ten years setcookie CookieName CookieValue time 10 365 24..
PHP: Cookie domain / subdomain control For example header Set Cookie cookiename cookievalue expires Tue 06 Jan 2009 23 39 49 GMT path domain
Is possible to keep session even after the browser is closed? even after the browser is restarted. In general a session expires with the closing of a browser but I want the session NOT TO..
Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API a valid app_id. Set Cookie datr g4JBTb4OsRZxBAztV7iIkpWg expires Sat 26 Jan 2013 14 34 43 GMT path domain httponly..
Cookie VS Session are hidden from the client and you control when the data expires and becomes invalid. If it was all based on cookies a user or..
PHP Curl - Cookies problem cookie session id time 1317279600l path domain expires Thu Sep 29 07 00 00 2011 GMT Set cookie session id 181 7755537.. session id 181 7755537 2127814 path domain expires Thu Sep 29 07 00 00 2011 GMT Vary Accept Encoding User Agent.. xtHacsJ3Yth9iOiska0CbQ path domain expires Tue Jan 01 08 00 01 2036 GMT secure Set Cookie ubid main 190..
Google Calendar API v3 hardcoded credentials make to the API. this state can be used many time until it expires and then can be refreshed. As you are authenticating your application..
How to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation file which returns an new access token which expires in 60 days. You can make a request to this function after you've..
Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication? fields. Hurray you now have a refresh_token that never expires and a working access_token Post a request to the Google's OAuth2..