php Programming Glossary: explains
Calling PHP functions within HEREDOC strings my usual PHP style. Not that that's a bad thing but it explains my inertia.. I'm up for figuring out ways to make life easier..
Stop using `global` in PHP change EDIT 4 I read PHP global in functions where Gordon explains in the very nice way why you shouldn't use global . I agree..
Make div text change on click based on PHP data using Ajax how to do it. I read about Ajax but none of the examples explains something like this. php javascript jquery html ajax share..
How do PHP sessions work? (not “how are they used?”) there is a page about Passing the Session ID which explains how the session id is passed from page to page using a cookie..
Is “SET CHARACTER SET utf8” necessary? collation_connection to @@collation_database . The manual explains the usage of these variables What character set should the server..
Is SQL injection a risk today? [duplicate] quotes countless times The PHP manual on magic quotes explains everything http magic 5Fquotes share improve this..
How does PHP Work? PHP works. My question is Where is a great resource that explains how PHP works . I want to be able to redirect people to a page..
I never really understood: what is CGI? tutorial CGI Programming Is Simple CGI Tutorial Which explains the concepts in simplest possible way. After reading this article..
PHP HTML DomDocument getElementById problems html parsing share improve this question The Manual explains why For this function to work you will need either to set some..
PHP: Cookie domain / subdomain control I don't understand. I don't see anything in the docs that explains it so thought I would see if anyone here has some light to shed..
Auditing a PHP codebase Variable Variables &mdash another whopper. This article explains the madness best. Just search for two dollar signs to identify.. use of autoloaders instead of require_once . This article explains autoloading in good detail. String and Redundant Booleans &mdash..
facebook error 'Error validating verification code' It's kinda clever since it verifies back to your site. It explains why the access_token request which wouldn't otherwise need a..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? most interest because it is by the author of PHPUnit and explains the difficulties with actual examples in PHPUnit. Also of interest..
Back to previous page with header( “Location: ” ); in PHP Location &rdquo in PHP The title of this question kind of explains my question. How do I redirect the PHP page visitor back to..
unit testing and Static methods testing trying to make sense of the following post on that explains the hardships of static function calls. I don't clearly understand..
What does a . (dot) do in PHP? you suggest me some good tutorials to learn which clearly explains from basics to OOP in PHP other than and w3schools...
Headers already sent by PHP been covered on Stackoverflow as well. The Wordpress FAQ explains How do I solve the Headers already sent warning problem in a..
How to create friendly URL in php? http articles search engine urls It explains that yeah you want a mod_rewrite placed in an .htaccess file..