php Programming Glossary: exposing
how to run php file using cron jobs cron.php id 01001 You might want to look at not exposing your cron scripts to the internet move them to outside your..
Can I use private instance methods as callbacks? objects so I'm stuck breaking out of the private world and exposing implementation details when I'd rather not. So in a nutshell..
How to merge Zend Framework 2 module public directories for CSS JS minification and LESS SASS conversion allows exposing of assets from directories in the modules themselves. zf2 assetic..
Is it worth making get and set methods in OOP? this way It depends. Abstracting a field from the user by exposing a smart property i.e. getter and or setter has two disadvantages..
Removing X-Powered-By not. There is no direct security risk but as David C notes exposing an outdated and possibly vulnerable version of PHP may be an..
What security problems could come from exposing phpinfo() to end users? security problems could come from exposing phpinfo to end users If a phpinfo dump is shown to an end user.. attacks if your site is vulnerable to them. I think exposing phpinfo on its own isn't necessarily a risk but in combination..
How to prevent PHP files from being downloaded? And what are some ways someone can download them? readfile _GET 'file' If you want to prevent Apache from exposing the source code if something is wrong with PHP add this in your..
Process mathematical equations in php the whole script. And there are many other ways of exposing your system by writing bad code. That just leaves the possiblity..
PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved such as APC or memcached or in a session file . That's exposing yourself to additional compromises. Never store the unencrypted..
If Singletons are bad then why is a Service Container good? is an anti pattern. It doesn't solve the problem of exposing dependencies you can't tell from looking at the definition of..