php Programming Glossary: explaining
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation and usage providing ability to write clean self explaining code because both query and objects to search in are associative..
Laravel 4 - Connect to other database the config database.php file for config. However without explaining further I can't comment. I'm happy to help sounds like it would..
Best practice: Import mySQL file in PHP; split queries Thanks for your input. I left a comment to most answers explaining which answer I accepted and why. php mysql share improve..
What is a Factory Design Pattern in PHP? in the most simplest terms what does it do Pretend you are explaining to your mother or someone almost please. php factories share..
How can I encrypt password data in a database using PHP?
Web-apps : to framework or not to framework? with MySql but plan to use ODBC . I don't need any books explaining that. I am probably qualified to develop a simple web site but..
In PHP when submitting strings to the database should I take care of illegal characters using htmlspecialchars() or use a regular expression? execute array yourHtmlData Or a little more self explaining dbPreparedStatement db prepare 'INSERT INTO table htmlcontent..
PHP crop image to fix width and height without losing dimension ratio that has 100px by 100px dimension. i've seen many articles explaining the methods but most end up having the width height if the dimension..
Convert English numbers to Arabic numerals like. I live in an Arab country so please don't go around explaining to me what Arabic numerals look like. If you can help good and..
What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP? are faster in certain situations. Here's an article explaining one manner in which single and double quotes are essentially..
In PHP can someone explain cloning vs pointer reference? lower frequency cases ... JMHO I've also created a video explaining these differences. Check it out on YouTube . share improve..
Where can I read about conditionals done with ? and : [duplicate] about this but am not sure what to google to find articles explaining how it works. Help php syntax ternary operator conditionals..
Simple Post-Redirect-Get code example page if not valid it generates the HTML of an error page explaining what is wrong. Whichever HTML is generated get stored in a _SESSION..
Sending basic authentication information via form in pure javascript so to add something other than simply explaining the link here's a hopefully fairly transparent implementation..
How do I do URL rewriting in php? The correct answer will go to How you do it in PHP explaining if there is any advantage goes also counts if possible. I'm..
Improve this PHP Bitfield Class for settings/permissions? improve this question Others have helped with further explaining the bit masking bit of this so I'll concentrate on I do like..
RedBean ORM performance will google the topic at same time. Jaison Justus Well .. explaining this in 600 characters would be hard. One thing I must clarify..
Tilde operator in Regular expressions warnings 'ISBN should be 10 digits' I found this document explaining what tilde means ~ It said that ~ is a perl operator that means..
Why is $a + ++$a == 2? evaluation share improve this question All the answers explaining why you get 2 and not 1 are actually wrong. According to the..