php Programming Glossary: exotic
Detect EOL type using PHP encoding type Needs to somehow know that we may be on an exotic system like ZX8x since ASCII x76 is a regular letter @radu raised..
What does this mean? “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM” T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM sounds really exotic but most certainly absolutely nonsense to me. I traced it all..
How to embed images in a single HTML / PHP file? technique. Browser support isn't an issue here so more exotic methods are welcome also. EDIT Does someone have a link example..
PHP using Declare ? What is a tick? blocks more ticks. PS by the way ticks are quite the exotic feature and they're only useful in a few extremely rare situations...
Exotic names for methods, constants, variables and fields - Bug or Feature? in the title but then goes on to an example that includes exotic names for methods constants variables and fields. There are..
Non Latin Characters & ouch imported via phpMyAdmin. I noticed that titles with more exotic glyphs have issues rendering in the browser eg The é in Amélie...
Design considerations for internationalization It makes testing much easier. If you are going to use exotic fonts make sure these include special characters. The fonts..