php Programming Glossary: dots
PHP / RegEx - Convert URLs to links by detecting .com/.net/.org/.edu etc URLs based on just about any text connected by one or more dots and either ending with one of the specified extensions followed..
dot in variable name your variable name from one.txt into one_txt is because dots are not valid in variable names. For more details look at the.. important to note that PHP will automatically replace any dots in incoming variable names with underscores. It is indeed a..
extract value from web page 5 span class page numbers 5 span a span class page numbers dots hellip span a href users page 15 title go to page 15 span class.. 5 span class page numbers 5 span a span class page numbers dots hellip span a href users page 15 title go to page 15 span class..
How to remove diacritics from text? 'å' to 'a' and 'ä' to 'a' and 'ö' to 'o' just remove the dots above . The rest should become underscores as I said. Im not..
Turn Plain Text URLs into Active Links using PHP [closed] This syntax consists of a series of letters numbers dots hyphens and special signs which we can group together using..
BOM in a PHP page auto generated by Wordpress reported by SmartSniff Ok the big difference are the three dots in front of the DOCTYPE in aruba. They are the UTF 8 BOM 0xef..
Any preg_match() to extract image urls from text? you know that the path always will include letters hyphens dots slashes and numbers use one expression like matches array preg_match_all..
$_POST data returns empty when headers are > POST_MAX_SIZE preg_match ' . . ' local local part has two consecutive dots isValid false else if preg_match ' ^ A Za z0 9 . ' domain .. ' . . ' domain domain part has two consecutive dots isValid false else if preg_match ' ^ . A Za z0 9 # `_ ' ^ ~...
PHP replaces spaces with underlines important to note that PHP will automatically replace any dots in incoming variable names with underscores. And a comment on..
PHP+GD: imagecopymerge not retaining PNG transparencies original When I run this script all I get is the blue dots with the transparency lost. I saw that I should add these imagealphablending..
Converting a number with comma as decimal point to float improve this question Using str_replace to remove the dots is not overkill. string_number '1.512.523 55' NOTE You don't..
Why doesn't jQuery.parseJSON() work on all servers? opening brace... there seemed to be a couple of little dots near it. I used this JavaScript bookmarklet to find out what..
PHP some $_POST values missing but are present in php://input Function to fix up PHP's messing up POST input containing dots etc. function getRealPOST pairs explode file_get_contents php..
what is the “::” notation in php used for? is also called paamayim nekudotayim which means two dots twice in hebrew. in the context of your example isn't doing..
Get PHP to stop replacing '.' characters in $_GET or $_POST arrays? important to note that PHP will automatically replace any dots in incoming variable names with underscores. That's from http.. with it so you'll have to convert the underscores back to dots in your script using dawnerd's suggestion I'd just use str_replace..
Stripping everything but alphanumeric chars from a string in PHP ideas Edit I now need this to strip everything but allow dots so everything but a z 1 9 . . Ideas php regex string share..