php Programming Glossary: dom_import_simplexml
Is there a way to add a PHP SimpleXMLElement to another SimpleXMLElement? new SimpleXMLElement ' root ' t new DOMElement 'child' dom dom_import_simplexml s dom appendChild t echo s asXML root child root If you need.. several examples in the documentation and comments for the dom_import_simplexml method too http dom_import_simplexml share improve..
Adding a block of XML as child of a SimpleXMLElement object and use DOMDocumentFragment appendXML doc dom_import_simplexml sx ownerDocument fragment doc createDocumentFragment fragment..
SimpleXML how to prepend a child in a node? public function prependChild name value dom dom_import_simplexml this new dom insertBefore dom ownerDocument createElement name..
Remove a child with a specific attribute, in SimpleXML for PHP limited. You have to resort to using the DOM extension. dom_import_simplexml will help you with converting your SimpleXMLElement into a DOMElement.. data foreach doc seg as seg if seg 'id' 'A12' dom dom_import_simplexml seg dom parentNode removeChild dom echo doc asXml outputs xml..
Change XML node element value in PHP and save file foreach xml testimonial as story if story 'id' kust_id dom dom_import_simplexml story dom parentNode removeChild dom xml asXML 'test.xml' header..
PHP XML - Inserting a XML node at a specific location myvalues is your myvalues node in SimpleXML domMyValues dom_import_simplexml myvalues newNode domMyValues ownerDocument createElement 'mynewelement'..
PHP SimpleXML: insert node at certain position SimpleXMLElement insert SimpleXMLElement target target_dom dom_import_simplexml target insert_dom target_dom ownerDocument importNode dom_import_simplexml.. target insert_dom target_dom ownerDocument importNode dom_import_simplexml insert true if target_dom nextSibling return target_dom parentNode..
SimpleXML: append one tree to another new DOMElements from the two SimpleXMLElements domdict dom_import_simplexml xmldict c domcat dom_import_simplexml kitty Import the cat into.. domdict dom_import_simplexml xmldict c domcat dom_import_simplexml kitty Import the cat into the dictionary document domcat domdict..
Add, update and edit an XML file with PHP import simpleXml reference into Dom to do removal dom2 dom_import_simplexml targets 0 dom2 parentNode removeChild dom2 format xml to save..
How to import XML string in a php DOMDocument php simpleXmlElement new SimpleXMLElement xhtml domElement dom_import_simplexml simpleXmlElement domElement document importNode domElement true..
remove xml version tag when a xml is created in php be to use customXML new SimpleXMLElement ' abc abc ' dom dom_import_simplexml customXML echo dom ownerDocument saveXML dom ownerDocument documentElement..
How to write CDATA using SimpleXmlElement? SimpleXMLElement public function addCData cdata_text node dom_import_simplexml this no node ownerDocument node appendChild no createCDATASection..
How to tell apart SimpleXML objects representing element and attribute? allow you to tell these apart. As others have suggested dom_import_simplexml can be appropriate however that function can change nodes on.. telling you an invalid nodetype has been given Warning dom_import_simplexml Invalid Nodetype to import So if you need this precise with..
Getting SimpleXMLElement to include the encoding in output don't want to use DOMDocument but here is an example xml dom_import_simplexml simpleXML xml xmlEndoding 'UTF 8' outputXML xml saveXML You..