php Programming Glossary: domnodelist
How to sort a xml file using DOM DOMXPath dom booklist xp query ' library book' Books is a DOMNodeList not an array. This is the reason for your usort warning. Copies.. for your usort warning. Copies DOMNode elements in the DOMNodeList to an array. books iterator_to_array booklist Second your sorting..
read XML tag id from php Unlike getElementById an XPath query always returns a DOMNodeList . It will be empty if the query didn't find any nodes. If the..
PHP XML - Inserting a XML node at a specific location query ' image @name img02 ' refNode elements item 0 Since DOMNodeList item returns null for a non existent offset we don't even need..
find and replace keywords by hyperlinks in an html fragment, via php dom DOMText nodes containing the needle Dexia . The result is DOMNodeList as usual . The replacement foreach nodes as node link ' a href..
Get a specific child tag from a DOMElement in PHP I am walking through a xml definition file and I have a DOMNodeList that I am walking through. I need to extract the contents of..
php count xml elements all OfferName elements only . length is an attribute of DOMNodeList . To count all OfferName elements within an OfferNameList you..
PHP & xPath Question but I get this error Catchable fatal error Object of class DOMNodeList could not be converted to string in C wamp www crawler.php on.. check is unnecessary. DOMXPath query will always return a DOMNodeList though maybe it will be of zero length which won't confuse the..
PHP XML remove element and all children by name gives me a error PHP Fatal error Call to undefined method DOMNodeList hasChildNodes Ive also tried featureddel dom getElementsByTagName.. getElementsByTagName and DOMXPath query return a DOMNodeList . Your code seems to be expecting a single DOMNode instead...
How get first level of dom elements by Domdocument PHP? childNodes The childNodes property contains a DOMNodeList which you can iterate with foreach . See DOMDocument documentElement.. document element of the document. and DOMNode childNodes A DOMNodeList that contains all children of this node. If there are no children.. of this node. If there are no children this is an empty DOMNodeList. Since childNodes is a property of DOMNode any class extending..
PHP xpath query on XML with default namespace binding dump_dom_levels node level 0 class get_class node if class DOMNodeList echo Level level class node length items n foreach node as child_node..
Unable to parse xml data with colon (:) from response using getNamespaces() dom getElementsByTagNameNS 'http api url' ' ' shows object DOMNodeList #3 0 foreach dom getElementsByTagNameNS 'http api url' ' ' as..
Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP array nodeOrNodes elseif nodeOrNodes instanceof DOMNodeList nodeOrNodes new IteratorIterator nodeOrNodes if is_array nodeOrNodes.. new InvalidArgumentException 'Not an array DOMNode or DOMNodeList given.' parent __construct nodeOrNodes This is the base iterator.. the base iterator for DOMPHP it just takes a DOMNode or a DOMNodeList to iterate over. This sounds a bit superfluous maybe as DOM..