php Programming Glossary: dont
PHP Sessions across sub domains But most people trying to get cross subdomain sessions dont want their users to login multiple times for each subdomain..
Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way resultset and again call the getCHILD method till we dont get the lowest node. I need the best optimized technique within..
Invoking a PHP script from a mysql trigger when a record being inserted in to the mysql db table. We dont have control over the record insertion procedure.Is there some..
jQuery Mobile: How to correctly submit form data div body html check.php php action _REQUEST 'action' We dont need action for this tutorial but in a complex code you need..
Code obfuscator for php? [closed] used a good obfuscator for PHP I've tried some but they dont work for very big projects. They can't handle variables that..
Detect Browser Language in PHP browser detection share improve this question why dont you keep it simple and clean php lang substr _SERVER 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'..
Is there a PHP Sandbox, something like JSFiddle is to JS? [closed] safer environment for executing user supplied code. If you dont want to use Runkit but still want a PHP Console on your server..
PHP global in functions on the environment to be in a specific state. You dont have to do arg1 'foo' arg2 'bar' fn It's a matter of pulling.. does not rely on the outside anymore. When you do fn 1 you dont have to have a variable holding 1 somewhere outside. But when..
Seamless way to check if user likes page to ask for permission I know for tabs built with FBML they dont ask for permission but I am guessing that is because it is NOT..
Automatic post-registration user authentication User Entity User Credentials Firewall Name User Roles. You dont need to provide the user credentials for the token to be valid...
How to find day of week in php Unix time stamp calculated by php time function. But I dont know how to proceed... How would i get the 'day of week' in..
Converting HTML to PDF using PHP? [duplicate] the project seem death in the 2007 but anyway if you dont need css compatibility this can be nice for ya. share improve..
PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding displayed with encoding when i change it to UTF 8 they dont display and instead of I get ï¿ When I put the html inside php..
Website screenshots using PHP .png .pdf.. can be little slower with complex pages and dont support all the CSS . Else you can use wkhtmltopdf to output..
traits in php ??any real world examples/best practices? [closed] stuff like logging security caching etc. However I still dont know yet how I would make use of traits in my projects. Are..
Upload Progress Bar in PHP the photos are uploading. I am fairly new to php so I dont know everything about it. php upload progress bar share improve..
Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8 all this issues. It´s called Encoding toUTF8 . You dont need to know what the encoding of your strings is. It can be..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input this partially solved my problems 1 and 2. However I still dont know where it's suitable to run this code and I dont know how.. still dont know where it's suitable to run this code and I dont know how to display it on the backend order quote report pages...
Query caching yii framework even if i did no changes into database so why is that P.S Dont bother about the SQL statement. Its working php caching yii..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] imagedeletesql Handle errors with prepare operation here Dont pass data directly to bind_param store it in a variable delete..
Multi level menu with PHP very small and the recursion that happens will be minimal. Dont use this approach on large arrays. php query SELECT id parent_id..
php regex to get string inside href tag php regex html parsing share improve this question Dont use regex for this. You can use xpath and built in php functions..
How to set lifetime of session unserialize get_session_data _COOKIE 'sessid' else Dont validate the hash posible session falsification Obvious all..
How to pass an array via $_GET in php? it again with json_encode json_encode array 1 2 3 1 2 3 Dont ever use serialize for this purpose . Serialize allows to serialize..
Zend Application from Sub directory getting Zend layout links working correctly I have setup a Zend application in a sub directory. Dont ask why I just had to do it that way not my preferred method..