php Programming Glossary: domxpath
Regex Remove Images with style tag from Html markup has occurences with no space inbetween xpath new DOMXPath dom foreach xpath query ' img contains @style display ' as node..
PHP: Strip a specific tag from HTML string? DOM dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML htmlString xPath new DOMXPath dom nodes xPath query ' @id anotherDiv ' if nodes item 0 nodes..
PHP HTML DomDocument getElementById problems reason. Use XPath if you don't feel like validing x new DOMXPath dom el x query @id 'bid' item 0 Come to think of it if you just..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? code looks scary doc DOMDocument load 'data.xml' xpath new DOMXPath doc query ' pages page ' . page . ' ' page is fine was set earlier.. it. echo n n XPATH CAN FETCH NORMAL ID n n xPath new DOMXPath dom page2 xPath query ' pages page @id p2 ' item 0 foreach page2.. n XPATH CAN FETCH PRODUCTS FOR PAGE WITH ID n n xPath new DOMXPath dom foreach xPath query ' pages page @id p2 product' as product..
Grabbing the href attribute of an A element with XPath dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML html xpath new DOMXPath dom nodes xpath query ' a @href' foreach nodes as href echo..
How to replace text URLs and exclude URLs in HTML tags? elements. dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML html xPath new DOMXPath dom texts xPath query ' html body text not ancestor a and contains..
Regex / DOMDocument - match and replace text not in a link mb_convert_encoding html 'HTML ENTITIES' UTF 8 xpath new DOMXPath dom foreach xpath query ' text not ancestor a ' as node replaced..
php count xml elements all OfferName elements within an OfferNameList you can use DOMXPath evaluate xpath evaluate 'count OfferNameList OfferName' Note.. 6 count all OfferNameList OfferName elements xp new DOMXPath dom echo xp evaluate 'count OfferNameList OfferName ' 3 share..
convert part of dom element to string with html tags inside of them art packard bell easynote tm89 gu 015uk.html' xpath new DOMXPath dom elements xpath query ' table' foreach elements as element..
DOMDocument in php it dom new DOMDocument @ dom loadHTML html xpath new DOMXPath dom tags xpath query '. div @id showContent ' foreach tags as..
How to get Open Graph Protocol of a webpage by php? HTML you really shouldn't use regex. Take a look at the DOMXPath Query function . Now the actual code could be EDIT A better.. warnings doc new DomDocument doc loadHTML html xpath new DOMXPath doc query ' meta starts with @property 'og ' ' metas xpath query.. of doc new DomDocument @ doc loadHTML html xpath new DOMXPath doc query ' meta' metas xpath query query foreach metas as meta..
Ignore html tags in preg_replace you should make your function based on DOMDocument and DOMXPath rather than using regular expressions. Even those are quite.. search search doc new DOMDocument doc loadXML str xp new DOMXPath doc anchor doc getElementsByTagName 'body' item 0 if anchor..
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string the nodes and output the result execute xpath xp new DOMXPath dom remove xp query xpath cutPosition if remove throw new Exception..
Connecting to WS-Security protected Web Service with PHP get the s Header tag and add your custom headers xp new DOMXPath domRequest xp registerNamespace 's' 'http 2003 05..
how to use dom php parser
Get img src with PHP and then evaluate the value you're looking for with DOMXpath html ' img id 12 border 0 src images image.jpg alt Image width..
Fetch specific tag with an attribute value from XML do is just create DOMDocument object load your xml create DOMXpath object for your document and evaluate xpath expression xml file_get_contents..
How to validate domain name in PHP?
How do I parse partial HTML? use it to query for the element you want to get xpath new DOMXpath dom result xpath query @id 'double' keepme result item 0 We..
PHP SimpleXML - Remove xpath node item_id 789 item_id info items foo ' item_id 456 xpath new DOMXpath doc foreach xpath query ' items info item_id ' . item_id . '..
Modify XML attribute PHP DOM with it DOMDocument loadXML Then you must instanciate DOMXpath on that document And use it to query the document DOMXPath query..
PHP DOMElement::getElementsByTagName - Anyway to get just the immediate matching children? xml cat d getElementsByTagName subCategory item 0 xp new DOMXpath d q xp query id cat note the second argument echo q item 0 textContent..
PHP XML - Inserting a XML node at a specific location newNode xml createElement 'tryimage' xpath new DOMXpath xml elements xpath query ' myvalues image name img01 ' refNode.. Functionally equivalent if I got the query right xpath new DOMXpath domMyValues ownerDocument elements xpath query ' image @name.. myvalues ' dom new DomDocument dom loadXML x xpath new DOMXpath dom elements xpath query ' images image @name 01 ' elements..
php: Parse string from html to find all nodes with a class attribute of header xp new DOMXpath dom nodes xp query ' h1 @class header ' output first item's..
How to detect and remove unnecessary xmlns:<something> attributes in PHP DOM? d namespaces sxe getDocNamespaces true x new DOMXpath d foreach namespaces as prefix url count x evaluate count namespace..
How do I remove a specific node using its attribute value in PHP XML Dom? id xmlDoc new DOMDocument xmlDoc load myXML xpath new DOMXpath xmlDoc nodeList xpath query ' category @id '. int id.' ' if..
PHP Dom Remove element leave contents span To get nodes with a specific ID use XPath xpath new DOMXpath dom node xpath query ' a @id something ' item 0 get first DOMRemove..
DOMDocument saveHTML without HTML wrapper? jasmine tea. d new DOMDocument @ d loadHTML content x new DOMXpath d count x evaluate count text contains translate . 'ABCDEFGHJIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'..
How get first level of dom elements by Domdocument PHP? div EOD doc new DOMDocument doc loadHTML str xpath new DOMXpath doc entries xpath query foreach entries as entry var_dump entry..
PHP xpath query on XML with default namespace binding hack hack domdoc loadXML domdoc saveXML domdoc xpath new DOMXpath domdoc str trim argv 1 result xpath query str if result FALSE.. of it. result new DOMDocument result loadXML xml xpath new DOMXpath result xpath registerNamespace x trim argv 2 str trim argv 1..
how to use dom php parser new DOMDocument dom_document loadHTML html use DOMXpath to navigate the html with the DOM dom_xpath new DOMXpath dom_document.. DOMXpath to navigate the html with the DOM dom_xpath new DOMXpath dom_document if you want to get the div with id interestingbox..
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in dom preserveWhiteSpace false @ dom loadHTML content domxpath new DOMXPath dom newDom new DOMDocument newDom formatOutput.. newDom new DOMDocument newDom formatOutput true filtered domxpath query div @id 'aggregateCount' json 'count' str_replace ' '..
PHP's DOMXPath is stripping out my tags inside the matched text not all and this can be done later php html domdocument domxpath share improve this question That's a common problem with..
PHP & xPath Question html into document object model @ dom loadHTML html create domxpath instance xPath new DOMXPath dom get all elements with a particular..
unable to scrape content from a website the errors remain. php xhtml web scraping xml namespaces domxpath share improve this question Yes you are missing something..
PHP XPath. How to return string with html tags? b BOLD b span Can you help me php html xpath domdocument domxpath share improve this question I can do it using SimpleXML..
PHP xpath query on XML with default namespace binding dump_dom_levels child_node level 1 php xml xpath domxpath share improve this question The solution is using the namespace..