php Programming Glossary: doubts
Asynchronous HTTP requests in PHP the original script goes on spawning new processes. I have doubts though about performance in this case there must be some performance..
Anatomy of a Distributed System in PHP process jobs for any given number of clients. I've some doubts regarding the general database design and which technologies..
OOP design: How to incorporate DB handling into application objects password_hash CHAR 32 NOT NULL full_name VARCHAR 50 My doubts start at PHP level. The obvious conversion is php class User..
Opening/closing tags & performance? One can trash any performance related question with no doubts if there is no word profiling in it. At the same time profiling..
Insert/update helper function using PDO utilizing PDO prepared statements feature I am still in doubts how to accomplish this. Is there a straight and simple way to..
Would Singleton be a good design pattern for a microblogging site? Even Erich Gamma one of the Singleton pattern's inventors doubts this pattern nowadays I'm in favor of dropping Singleton. Its..
how to prevent PHP's file_get_contents( ) that will be unhelpful. My English is poor to express doubts please bear with. php http share improve this question ..
How does PHP max_execution_time work? does PHP max_execution_time work I have few doubts about maximum execution time set in php.ini. Assuming max_execution_time..
Issues porting PHP/GD wrapper to Imagick arguments which takes a lot of time. My current problems doubts are 1 Preserving Transparency In my original implementation..
Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application? you know how to write a good constructor .. if you have doubts read this article nothing is namespaced in example but it should..
simplexml_load_file parse [@attributes] => Array ... Official documentation It seems you have some doubts over SimpleXML based on your past question it might worth to..
Is this the correct way to send email with PHP? way it should specifically I'm most concerned about this doubts Are the UTF 8 declarations and attachments well formed Do I..